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In This Section

Action List Log Window

Alerts Log Window

Add Scope Item Dialog Box

Attach File Dialog Box

Attach Document Dialog Box

Attach URL Dialog Box

Add Company Dialog Box

Access Templates – Main Window

Access Template – Edit Window

Administrator IDs Window

Add Multiple Estimates Dialog Box

Add Detail Item Dialog Box

Add General Item Dialog Box

Add Alternate Dialog Box

Add Question Distribution Dialog Box

Add Bidder Dialog Box

Award Contract/PO Dialog Box

Accident Sources Detail Dialog Box

Add Distribution Dialog Box

Add Multiple Cost Codes Dialog Box

Attendee Dialog Box

Add Project Dialog Box

Add Project Dialog Box – Key Parties Page

Add Project Dialog Box – Template Page

Add Project Dialog Box – Contacts Page

Add Contact Dialog Box

Add Project Dialog Box – Currency Page

Add Project Dialog Box – Cost Codes Page

Add Project Dialog Box - Default Owners Page

Add Project Dialog Box – Schedule Page

Add Project Dialog Box – Users page

Add Distributions Dialog Box

Add Template Dialog Box – Cost Codes Page

Add Shortcuts Dialog Box

Add Project Dialog Box - Schedule Page

Add Reviewer List Dialog Box or Save Reviewer List As Dialog Box

Administrator IDs & Passwords Window

Add Template Dialog Box – Custom Fields Page

Add Contacts Dialog Box

Add Issue Dialog Box

Add Template Dialog Box Project Page

Answer Dialog Box

Answer Distribution Dialog Box

Add Sub Item Dialog Box

Add Requisition Dialog Box

Accident Sources Dialog Box

Add Template Dialog Box – Contacts Page

Add Template Dialog Box – Users Page

Add Requisition Dialog Box

Accident Sources Dialog Box

Add Template Dialog Box – Contacts Page

Add Template Dialog Box - Default Owners Page

Add Template Dialog Box – Schedule Page

Add Template Dialog Box – Template Page

Add Template Dialog Box – Key Parties Page

Add Template Dialog Box – Currency Page

Add Project Dialog Box – Custom Fields Page

Add Attendees Dialog Box

Action Taken Dialog Box

Add Answer Distribution Dialog Box

Bid Packages Dialog Box

Bid Packages Detail Dialog Box

Bidder Statistics Dialog Box

Budgeted Contracts Log Window

Business Item Dialog Box

Change Group Dialog Box

Change Management Document Window

Change Management Log Window

Change Order Document Window

Change Orders Log Window

Collect Changes Dialog Box

Collect Changes Dialog Box: Select Link or Append Options

Comment Dialog Box

Commitment Dialog Box

Committed Contracts Log Window

Company Document Window

Company Log Window

Company Roles Detail Dialog Box

Company Roles Dialog Box

Contact Dialog Box

Content Management Window

Contract Document Window

Contract Item/Lump Sum/Unit Price Dialog Box

Contracts Log Window

Copy Companies Dialog Box

Copy Cost Codes Dialog Box

Copy From Contract Dialog Box

Copy From Other Requisitions Dialog Box

Copy From Previous Revision Dialog Box

Copy User Access Dialog Box

Correspondence Received Document Window

Correspondence Received Log Window

Correspondence Sent Document Window

Correspondence Sent Log Window

Cost Code Definition Dialog Box

Cost Code Definitions Dialog Box

Cost Code Title Dialog Box

Cost Distribution Dialog Box

Cost Options Dialog Box

Cost Worksheet Document Window

Cost Worksheet Dialog Box (for Adding a Cost Code)

Cost Worksheet Log Window

Create New Access Template Dialog Box

Create New User Dialog Box

CSI Divisions Dialog Box

CSI Divisions Detail Dialog Box

Current Users in Contract Management Dialog Box

Custom Field Dialog Box

Custom Fields Dialog Box

Customize Actions and Alerts Refresh Dialog Box

Customize Actions Dialog Box

Customize Control Center Dialog Box

Customize Inbox Dialog Box

Customize Issues Chart Dialog Box

Customize Layout Dialog Box

Customize Layouts Dialog Box

Customize Request for Information Chart Dialog Box

Customize RFI Turnaround Time Dialog Box

Customize Safety Chart Dialog Box

Customize Submittals Chart Dialog Box

Customize Text Dialog Box

Customize Workspace Alerts Object Dialog Box

Daily Equipment Record Dialog Box

Daily Labor Record Dialog Box

Daily Report Document Window

Daily Report Length of Suitable Conditions Detail Dialog Box

Daily Report Length of Suitable Conditions Dialog Box

Daily Report Equipment Types Detail Dialog Box

Daily Report Equipment Types Dialog Box

Daily Report Precipitation Detail Dialog Box

Daily Report Precipitation Dialog Box

Daily Report Sky Detail Dialog Box

Daily Report Sky Dialog Box

Daily Report Temperature Detail Dialog Box

Daily Report Temperature Dialog Box

Daily Report Weather Impact Detail Dialog Box

Daily Report Weather Impact Dialog Box

Daily Report Wind Detail Dialog Box

Daily Report Wind Dialog Box

Daily Reports Log Window

Daily Schedule Record Dialog Box

Daily Visitor Log Dialog Box

Define Alerts Dialog Box

Define Alerts New Alert or Define Alerts Edit Alert Dialog Box

Delete View Dialog Box

Delivery Ticket Dialog Box

Dictionary Item Dialog Box

Disciplines Detail Dialog Box

Disciplines Dialog Box

Dispositions Detail Dialog Box

Dispositions Dialog Box

Distribute Submittal Dialog Box

Distribution Dialog Box

Distribution List Dialog Box

Distribution Lists - Project Companies Dialog Box

Document Setup Dialog Box

Drawing Areas Detail Dialog Box

Drawing Areas Dialog Box

Drawing Distribution Dialog Box

Drawing Document Window

Drawing Phases Detail Dialog Box

Drawing Phases Dialog Box

Drawing Set Document Window

Drawing Sets Log Window

Drawings Dialog Box (for Linking a Drawing to an RFI)

Drawings Log Window

Duplicate File Dialog Box

E-Mail Dialog Box

Edit Alternate Dialog Box

Edit Bid Worksheet Dialog Box

Edit Bidder Dialog Box

Edit Detail Item Dialog Box

Edit Estimate Worksheet Dialog Box

Edit Filter Dialog Box

Edit General Item Dialog Box

Edit Grouping Dialog Box

Edit Question Dialog Box

Edit Scope Item Dialog Box

Edit Shortcuts Dialog Box

Edit Sort Dialog Box

Edit Sub Item Dialog Box

Export Dialog Box

File Numbers Detail Dialog Box

File Numbers Dialog Box

Find Dialog Box

Find In Tab or Log Window Dialog Box

Filter Dialog Box

Filter Dialog Box (Advanced)

Filter is in Use Dialog Box

Folders Dialog Box

Get Dialog Box

Group Reports and Letter Template Location Dialog Box

Grouping Dialog Box

Grouping is in Use Dialog Box

Import Dialog Box

Import Statistics Dialog Box

Inbox Log Window

Insert Project Dialog Box

Insurance Document Window

Insurance Log Window

Invoice Dialog Box

Issue Document Window

Issues Log Window

Issues Object Log Window

Layout Options Dialog Box

Letter Document Window

Letters Log Window

Markup Dialog Box

Markup for Changes Dialog Box

Materials Delivery Document Window

Materials Delivery Log Window

Meeting Minutes Document Window

Meeting Minutes Log Window

Modify View Dialog Box

Module Access Dialog Box

NAICS Codes Detail Dialog Box

NAICS Codes Dialog Box

New Filter Dialog Box

New Grouping Dialog Box

New Layout Dialog Box

New Prohibited Password Dialog Box

New Sort Dialog Box

New View Dialog Box

Noncompliance Notice Document Window

Noncompliance Notices Log Window

Notepad Document Window

Notepad Item Dialog Box

Notepads Log Window

Notice Document Window

Notices Log Window

Options (for spelling checker) Dialog Box

Organize Bidders Dialog Box

Organize Markup Rows Dialog Box

Organize Rows Dialog Box

Paper Sizes Detail Dialog Box

Paper Sizes Dialog Box

Payment Requisitions Log Window

Print Dialog Box

Procurement Item Document Window

Procurement Items Log Window

Procurement Statistics Dialog Box

Project Access Dialog Box

Project Administrator Dialog Box

Project Reports, Forms, and Letter Template Location Dialog Box

Project Settings Dialog Box

Proposal Document Window

Proposals Log Window

Propose Solution Dialog Box

Publish Project Dialog Box

Punch List Document Window

Punch List Elevations Detail Dialog Box

Punch List Elevations Dialog Box

Punch List Item Dialog Box

Punch List Rooms Detail Dialog Box

Punch List Rooms Dialog Box

Punch Lists Log Window

Purchase Types Detail Dialog Box

Purchase Types Dialog Box

Purchase Order Document Window

Purchase Order Item Dialog Box

Purchase Orders Log Window

Question Distribution Dialog Box

Reassign Linked Contacts Dialog Box

Reason Code Detail Dialog Box

Reason Code Dialog Box

Record Bid Dialog Box

Record Delivery Ticket Dialog Box

Record Drawings Dialog Box

Record Payment Dialog Box

Reference Type Dialog Box

Reporting Currency Dialog Box

Request for Information Document Window

Request for Information Object Log Window

Requests Log Window

Requisition Changes Dialog Box

Requisition Detail Dialog Box

Requisition Document Window

Reviewer Lists Dialog Box

Revision Set Dialog Box

RFI Turnaround Time Object Log Window

Safety Log Window

Safety Violation/Injury or Illness Report Document Window

Safety Violations Detail Dialog Box

Safety Violations Dialog Box

Save As Template Dialog Box

Save Filter As Dialog Box

Save Grouping As Dialog Box

Save Layout As Dialog Box

Save Sort As Dialog Box

Save View As Dialog Box

Schedule Data Log Window

Schedule Dialog Box

Search Window

Select Activity Dialog Box

Select Alert Type Dialog Box

Select an Existing Folder or Create a New Folder Dialog Box

Select Bidder Dialog Box

Select Companies Dialog Box

Select Company Dialog Box

Select Contact Dialog Box

Select Contacts Dialog Box

Select Contract Dialog Box

Select Coordinator

Select Cost Code Dialog Box

Select Custom Field Dialog Box

Select Default Value Dialog Box

Select Document Dialog Box

Select Document Type Dialog Box

Select Documents Dialog Box

Select Drawing Dialog Box

Select Drawing Set Dialog Box

Select Field Value Dialog Box

Select Insurance Policy Dialog Box

Select Issue Dialog Box

Select Material Dialog Box

Select Project Dialog Box

Select Projects Dialog Box

Select Reports Dialog Box

Select Safety Violations Dialog Box

Select Shortcuts Dialog Box

Select Submittal Package Dialog Box

Select Submittal Item Dialog Box

Select Submittals Dialog Box

Select Template Dialog Box

Select Transmittal Dialog Box

Select User Dialog Box

Select User Dialog Box

Select User Dialog Box - New Project

Send to Inbox Dialog Box

Server Configuration Window

Set Column Properties Dialog Box

Set Default Field Values Dialog Box

Set Favorite Layouts Dialog Box

Shortcuts Log Window

Single Project Backup Dialog Box

Single Project Restore Dialog Box

Sort is in Use Dialog Box

Sort Dialog Box

Specification Sections Detail Dialog Box

Specification Sections Dialog Box

Spelling Dialog Box

Status Detail Dialog Box

Status Dialog Box

Submittal Category Detail Dialog Box

Submittal Category Dialog Box

Submittal Distribution Dialog Box

Submittal Document Window

Submittal Package Document Window

Submittal Packages Log Window

Submittal Type Detail Dialog Box

Submittal Type Dialog Box

Submittals Bar Chart Window

Submittals Log Window

Submittals Object Log Window

Subscription Detail Dialog Box

Subscriptions Dialog Box

Telephone Record Document Window

Telephone Records Log Window

To/From/Work At/Bill To Dialog Box

Transfer Alerts Dialog Box

Transfer Layouts Dialog Box

Transfer View Dialog Box

Transmittal Document Window

Transmittal Item Dialog Box

Transmittal Queue Dialog Box

Transmittals Log Window

Trend Document Window

Trend Item Dialog Box

Trends Log Window

Type Document Dialog Box

Update Submittals History Dialog Box

Update Submittals Schedule Log Dialog Box

Update This Period Dialog Box

Upload Prohibited Passwords Dialog Box

User Account – Edit Window

User Accounts – Main Window

User Email Settings Window

User Password Settings Dialog Box

User Project Access Dialog Box

User Settings Dialog Box

View Alternate Dialog Box

View Bidder Dialog Box

View Bid Worksheet Dialog Box

View Detail Item Dialog Box

View Estimate Worksheet Dialog Box

View Filter Dialog Box

View General Item Dialog Box

View Grouping Dialog Box

View Options Dialog Box

View Scope Item Dialog Box

View Sort Dialog Box

View Sub Item Dialog Box

Work Impact Detail Dialog Box

Work Impact Dialog Box

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Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015