Use this feature to search for a particular word or phrase in all documents in the active log or all rows in the active tab.
In the Find What field, enter the text by which you want to filter the items in the tab or log window.
If you opened the Find dialog box from a log window, click Find to view only the documents that contain text entered in the Find What field.
If you opened the Find dialog box from the Line Items tab, click Find to view only the items with Line Item No. or Description fields that contain the text entered in the Find What field.
If you opened the Find dialog box from the Schedule of Values Tab, click Find to view only the items with Item Number or Description of Work fields that contain the text entered in the Find What field.
Rows with documents or fields that do not contain the specified text are filtered out.
In the tab or log window, click Show All to view all documents in the log again.
Find rules:
In logs, Find searches the log and all documents in the log.
Words are strings separated by spaces:
xyzzy is one word, and so are 123 and #!@.
xyzzy xyzzy is two words, but xyzzy-xyzzy is one word.
Find is not case sensitive. The word "concrete" also finds Concrete, CONCRETE, ConCrete, and so on.
The words and, or, and not are treated as normal text, not as operators.
Parentheses ( ) are treated as normal text, not as operators.
Documents must contain words that start with a plus sign (+). For example, +concrete finds all documents that contain the word concrete.
Documents must not contain words that start with a minus sign (-). For example, -concrete excludes all documents that contain the word concrete, even if they match the rest of the search criteria.
If a word starts with more than one operator (such as +-concrete), the first operator is used. The remaining ones are treated as part of the word. For example, +-concrete returns documents that contain -concrete.
Word stems include all instances. For example, fit also finds fitting, retrofit, retrofitting, and so on.
After you perform a Find search, subsequent Find searches go through the entire log again, not the filtered results from the previous Find search.
How to access this dialog box:
Click Find in the Line Items tab, the Schedule of Values tab, or any log window.