Inbox Log Window

Select All

Click to select all the documents in the window.

This marks the checkbox next to each document.

Unselect All

Click to deselect all the documents in the window.

This unmarks the checkbox next to each document.

Expand All

Click to expand all sections of the window or dialog box.

Collapse All

Click to collapse all sections of the window or dialog box.


Click to forward one or more documents from the current window.

Forward is unavailable until you mark the checkbox for at least one document.

Mark Read

Click to mark the selected document as being read.

Mark Read is grayed out until you mark the checkbox for at least one document. When you mark a document as being read, the document will no longer appear in bold font in the list.

Mark Unread

Click to mark the selected document as not read.

Mark Unread is grayed out until you mark the checkbox for at least one document. When you mark a document as unread, the document title will be in bold font.

Edit Document

Click to open the document in Edit mode.

Refresh List Icon

Click this icon to populate the Inbox log window with documents that have come into the Inbox, but that are not currently displayed in the list.

How to access this log window:

Click View All Inbox Items or click High, Normal, or Low on the Inbox object in the Workspace.

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Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015