Collect Changes Dialog Box: Select Link or Append Options

When you click Collect from Changes on a change order document, the Collect Changes Dialog Box displays. On that dialog box, when you select the change orders to collect and click Next, this dialog box displays for you to set the following options:

Link the current Change Order to the same Issues as the ones being collected

Click Yes to link to this change order to all issues in all the change orders being collected into this change order. Only issues linked to change orders associated with the same contract as this change order will be linked to this change order. Click No to disable this option.

Link the current Change Order to the same Attachments as the ones being collected

Click Yes to link to this change order to all attachments in all the change orders being collected into this change order. Only attachments linked to change orders associated with the same contract as this change order will be linked to this change order. Click No to disable this option.

Append current document markup from collected documents

Click Yes to enable this option. This creates a markup document in this change order. The markup from each change appends any markup from the change orders being collected into this change order to the markup document in this change order.

For each option, you must either click Yes to enable the option, or click No to disable it. After setting the options, click Finish. The change orders that you collected, linked, and/or appended will be closed.

How to access this dialog box:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder in the Project View and click Change Orders.
  2. From the Change Orders Log Window, choose a Change Order from the list to display.
  3. From the Change Order Document Window, click the Line Items tab.
  4. Click Collect from Changes. You can only collect changes into a change order created directly in the Change Orders Log Window. If the change order was created in Change Management, Collect from Changes will not be visible.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015