Change Order Document Window

Use this document window to enter changes, such as a redirection of plans, or to add new items to the schedule. You can also show any approved increases or decreases in costs and contract item allowances. This document window is categorized into different tabs. You can use these tabs to record the related details.

Buttons, Drop-Down Lists, Icons, and Links:

Edit Document

Click to edit the document.

If you clicked Edit Document , Edit Document - High Priority , or Edit Document - Low Priority , the document is already in edit mode, and the Edit Document button does not display.


Click to spell check the document.

This displays when you are in Edit mode.

Print Form

Click to print a form.

Print Preview

Click to display the page that will be printed.

Select an action

Click to display the list of actions you can perform on the current window.

Transmittals Queue

Click to display the items in the Transmittals Queue. From there you can select the create or remove functions that you want to perform on a transmittal.

User Productivity Kit

Click the User Productivity Kit link to launch the User Productivity Kit (sold separately), which you can use to view context-sensitive tutorials specific to the page you are viewing.

The Applicable Content checkbox will be marked. If specific tutorial content exists, select the appropriate link to display it. If specific tutorial content does not exist, clear the Applicable Content checkbox to choose from the list of available general tutorials.

Change Order Log

Click to return to the log window.

Control Center

Click to return to the Workspace.

Use the following tabs to enter information about the change order. The information is based on Edit mode.

General tab:


Select the type of change document from the drop-down list. This is only editable when adding a new change order.


The contract this change order applies to. Click browse to open the Select Contract Dialog Box to choose a contract to link to the change order. If the change order was generated through Change Management, this number defaults to the contract or purchase order number associated with the Change Management document. This is only editable when adding a new change order.

Exchange To and From Entries

Click exchange to switch the contacts in the To and From fields.


Click to open the Select Contact Dialog Box to choose the recipient of this change order.


Click to open the Select Contact Dialog Box to choose the contact creating this change order.


Contract Management automatically assigns each subsequent change document the next highest sequential number. This is only editable when adding a new change order.


Enter a brief summary of the problem requiring the change.

Total Cost

Contract Management automatically calculates the amount (cost) to implement this change based on the Line Item Total from the Line Items section.


Contract Management automatically enters the current system date. You can change it by clicking the calendar .

Time Change (Days)

Indicates the number of days the change affects the project schedule.

Review Status tab – When using the workflow-based approval process

This section describes the fields for the workflow-based approval process available in versions of Contract Management 12.0 and later.

Note: Before using the approval process, you must ensure that all prerequisites are met (see Workflow-Based Approval Process Overview).

Use Approval Process

Select this option to use the workflow-based approval process. Leave this option clear to not use the workflow-based approval process.

Selecting this option will display the fields for the workflow-based approval process. Clearing this option will display the fields associated with not using the workflow-based approval process.

This option is only available before you save the document. If you select this option, and save the document, you will not be able to access the standard document approval fields. After you save the document, this option will not be visible and you will not be able to change your original selection.

Note: If you have reports that were built against approval data using the approval fields available in Contract Management versions 11.1 and prior, use the approval fields that were available in Contract Management 11.1 and prior to set up the approval structure. If you use the workflow-based approval process, the reports that you built against the approval data may not work.

Document Owner

The contact responsible for administering the new approval process.

The contact you choose must be one who is already linked to a user account when adding a contact or when editing an existing contact. To choose a document owner, click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box. This is a required field if you are using the workflow-based approval process.

Ball in Court

The person responsible for this item.


After setting up all the information and creating the list of reviewers, click this to start the approval process.

Only one of the following can initiate a contract: project owner, document owner, or Contract Management administrator.

Caution: If you click Initiate before all fields are complete, and all reviewers are listed, you will be unable to make any changes in this cycle. The field to the right of the Initiate field lists the cycles. You can use the pull down list to pick a different cycle to review. This field will be blank until after the first cycle is initiated.

New Cycle

Click to begin a new cycle for a rejected document.

This displays when a reviewer rejects a document. The project owner, document owner, or Contract Management administrator can use this to start a new cycle in order to either begin the review process again or delete the document. A rejected document cannot be deleted without first starting a new cycle.


Click this to return the document to the state it was in before the approval cycle was initiated. The cycle must be initiated again to restart the approval process.

This displays when all reviewers have approved a document. The project owner, document owner, or Contract Management administrator can use this to revoke the approval and start a new cycle in order to either begin the review process again or delete the document. An approved document cannot be deleted without first revoking the approval.


Use this drop-down list when a document has multiple cycles to choose a different cycle in order to view its information. A document may have several cycles when:

Each cycle contains all information relevant to that cycle. When you view a previous cycle, you cannot make any changes to the information for that cycle. The information is read-only.


This displays when a review cycle has been initiated. The project owner, document owner, or Contract Management administrator can use this to stop the approval cycle.

After the approval process has been initiated, and before it has been approved, the project owner, the document owner, or a Contract Management administrator can click this to stop the approval process.

This returns the document to the state it was in before the approval cycle was initiated. The cycle must be initiated again to restart the approval process.


Lists the status code for the document. This field will change, depending on what action a reviewer designates for a document.


The priority level for this item, which will appear in the BIC’s action list.


Use the drop-down list to choose the method of approval.

This can be one of the following:

Add Reviewers

Click this to create the list of reviewers. This displays the Select Contact dialog box that you use to choose the reviewers. You must already have added the contacts and linked them to a user account. You add contacts when you add companies.

Required Start

Click the calendar to the right of the Required Start field to display a calendar that you can use to select the date on which the approval process must start. Use the arrows on either side of the name of the month to select a different month. Use the arrows on either side of the year to select a different year.

Required Finish

Click the calendar to the right of the Required Finish field to display a calendar that you can use to select the date on which the approval process must end. Use the arrows on either side of the name of the month to select a different month. Use the arrows on either side of the year to select a different year.

Cycle Days Overdue

This read-only field displays the number of days in this cycle that the approval process has exceeded the Required Finish date.

Cycle Days Elapsed

This read-only field displays the number of days in this cycle that have passed since the Required Start date of the approval process.

Total Days Elapsed

This read-only field displays the total number of days in this cycle that have passed since start of the approval process, including the number of days overdue.


This read-only field lists the contacts who will review and decide whether to approve the document.


The status a reviewer designated for the document.

The status can be:


This read-only field lists the date on which the reviewer received the document.


This read-only field lists the date on which the reviewer sent the document to the next reviewer on the list.


This read-only field lists the number of days that the reviewer had the document before sending it to the next reviewer on the list.


Lists each reviewer's comments regarding the document.

Review Status tab – When not using the workflow-based approval process:

If you do not want to use the workflow-based approval process, you can use the fields described in this section to add a new Change Order. Once you save, you will not be able to switch to the workflow-based approval process for this document.

Note: If you have reports that were built against approval data using the approval fields from versions 11.1 and prior, you should use this tab to set up the approval structure. If you use the workflow-based approval process, reports and forms that contain the original approval structure will not display the approval data.

Use Approval Process

Select this option to use the workflow-based approval process. Leave this option clear to not use the workflow-based approval process.

Selecting this option will display the fields for the workflow-based approval process. Clearing this option will display the fields associated with not using the workflow-based approval process.

This option is only available before you save the document. If you select this option, and save the document, you will not be able to access the standard document approval fields. After you save the document, this option will not be visible and you will not be able to change your original selection.

Note: If you have reports that were built against approval data using the approval fields available in Contract Management versions 11.1 and prior, use the approval fields that were available in Contract Management 11.1 and prior to set up the approval structure. If you use the workflow-based approval process, the reports that you built against the approval data may not work.

Document Owner

The contact responsible for this document.

This field is optional if you are not using the workflow-based approval process for this document. To choose a document owner, click Select next to the Document Owner field to display the Select Contact dialog box. Then click Select next to the company name to select the key contact for the company, or expand the company and click Select next to the contact you want to make the document owner. The Select Contact dialog box will only contain contacts that are linked to a user account.

Ball in Court

The person responsible for this item.


The priority level for this item, which will appear in the BIC’s action list.


Select a valid status code from the drop-down list.


Indicates whether the item has been approved.

No is the default. Yes appears when the item has been approved.

Approved By

Two contacts authorized to approve the contract or purchase order.

Enter their names and companies by clicking browse to open the Select Contact dialog box and typing the dates in the Date fields. Two contacts must sign off on the contract before you can click Approve and Save.

Summary tab:

The Summary tab is divided into three subordinate tabs.

Details subordinate tab

This tab displays a summary of the costs associated with the contract this change order is linked to.

Update Totals

Click to recalculate the fields in this section from the change documents related to the linked contract.

Original Contract/PO Sum

The original value of the contract.

Contract Management automatically enters the relevant information when you specify the contract/PO number in the top part of this document. This field is not editable.

Net Amount of Previous Changes

The total value of previous change orders. Click Update Totals to recalculate this field.

This field includes change order documents numbered less than the current document's number, plus:

Contract/PO Sum Prior to this Change

The Original Contract/PO Sum plus the Net Amount of Previous Changes. Click Update Totals to recalculate this field.

Current Change Value

The total for all line items. This field is recalculated when a line item is added, edited, or deleted.

Current Contract/PO Sum

The Contract/PO Sum Prior to this Change plus Current Change Value.

Click Update Totals to recalculate this field. This field is recalculated when a line item is added, edited, or deleted.

Include Pending Changes

Select this option to total the sum of all changes that have been filed but not yet approved for the linked contract. If clear, only documents with a status of Approved are totaled.

Contract/PO's Completion Date Prior to this Change

The contract or purchase order completion date before this change. Click Update Totals to recalculate this field.

Contract/PO's Completion Date Including this Change

The Contract/PO's Completion Date Prior to This Change plus Time Change (from the Schedule section). Click Update Totals to recalculate this field.

Markup for Changes:

Use this tab to create markup categories for the change order. Using markup, you can create markup categories based on a lump sum value, and then apply the markup values to cost codes.


The following will not appear if the change order is approved or closed:

Add Markup

Click to open the Markup Dialog Box to create a new markup category.

Add Subtotal

Click to open the Markup Dialog Box to add a subtotal row to the document. Contract Management subtotals the markup values and places them in this row.

Get Markup

If you entered default markup values in the Project Settings Dialog Box Markup section, click this to fill in the columns in this dialog box based on those settings. You can edit them by clicking edit to open the Markup Dialog Box. If you edit the information in this dialog box, the edited values will override the values from the Project Settings dialog box.

Once the first phase is implemented, subsequent phases "get" markup from the previous phase. Thus, if you have previously overwritten the defaults, or progressed to the next stage without applying markup, you can no longer get markup from the contract/PO - you have to enter it manually or go back and edit the first phase (and recreate subsequent phases).

Organize Rows

Click to open the Organize Markup Rows Dialog Box to set the order in which you want the markup categories applied to the document.


A description of the markup category.

Markup %

The markup percentage applied to the document.

Note: You can use either Markup % or Markup Amount, not both.

Markup Amount

The fixed markup amount applied to the document.

Note: You can use either Markup % or Markup Amount, not both.

Markup Cost

The total markup cost.

Total Cost

The total cost of the change including taxes and markup.

Target Cost Code

The cost code the markup value is applied to.


Any comments about the markup.

Source Cost Code

The cost code applied to this item.

Contract Management calculates the amount of markup that is applied from of all cost distributions that match the specific cost code.

You can use wild cards in the Source Cost Code field. Use a question mark (?) to replace one letter, or an asterisk (*) to replace multiple letters.

For example, if you have cost codes A1B and A2B, and you enter A?B, it will use both cost codes. Similarly, if you use A*, it will find all cost codes that begin with A.

Collected Changes:

This tab contains information about proposals and change orders collected into this change order. Click the document icon to open the collected document.

Note: This tab does not appear if the change order was created in Change Management. You can only collect changes into a change order created directly in the Change Orders Log Window.


The title of the collected document.

Change Number

The collected document's number.

Change Date

The date on which the collected document was created.

Change Cost

The cost collected from the document.

Change Type

The type of change document.

Change Management Number

If the document was generated from Change Management, the number appears in this field.


The contact the collected document was issued to.


The contact who issued the collected document.

Acknowledged Date

The date the recipient of the collected document responded.

Time Change (Days)

The number of days added or subtracted from the schedule because of the change document.


Contract information from the collected document.

Reason Code

The reason code associated with the collected document.

Collected Date

The date the document was collected into this change order.


Click to reverse the collection process. If you collect a change order and then use Uncollect, the change returns to the state it was in before you did the collect.

When you use Uncollect for the current change order:

For collected change orders and proposals:

For a Change Management document:

Line Items tab:

Use this tab to enter itemized changes for the change order.

For change orders either created in Change Management or directly in the change orders module, the following:

For change orders created in Change Management, and not directly in the Change Orders module, only Collect from Changes appears:


Click to filter all items in the active table by a particular word or phrase.

Line Item No.

Contract Management automatically assigns the next sequential number to each item row.

Quantity/Units of Measure

The Quantity and Units of Measure fields work together to quantify the amount of work or materials.

For example, if a job requires 300 hours to complete, enter 300 in the Quantity field and Hours in the Units of Measure column. Use whatever units are applicable to the contract, such as days, weeks, or pounds.


A description of the change item or service being provided.

Unit Price

The cost of a single unit, as specified in the Units of Measure field, for example, $40.00 (per hour), or $200 (per ton).

Net Amount

Contract Management automatically calculates this field based on the Quantity and Unit Price fields.

Tax Rate

If a fixed rate tax (fixed percentage) applies to this change item, the percentage is shown here.

Sales Tax

The amount of sales tax charged to this item.

Line Item Total

Contract Management automatically calculates this field as the total of the Net Amount and Sales Tax columns.


The name of the material for this line item. Click to open the Materials Delivery Document Window.

Activity ID

The P6 EPPM activity associated with this item.

Cost Code

The cost code this item is costed to.

Contract Line Item

When Copy from Contract is used, a link to the contract line item being copied appears here. Click this link to open the contract and the line item.

Collected from Line Item


Click to delete the item.

Details tab:


Use this area to enter any comments, conditions, or notes associated with the change order.

Spec Section

Click to select the specification item that best describes this change order. You can sort or filter documents by their specification numbers to easily locate and view documents of a particular specification type. You can add a new specification section to this list in the Specification Sections Detail Dialog Box.

Cost Category

The cost category for the change, from the contract/PO associated with the change. This field is not editable.

Cost Type

The type of change document.

Required Date

Contract Management enters seven days from today's date. Click the calendar to select a different date from the pop-up calendar.

Acknowledged Date

Enter the date the response is received from the recipient of the collected document. Click the calendar icon to select a date from the pop-up calendar.

Previous Change Management Phase

The previous Change Management document phase. If it is the first phase, this field is blank. If the change order was not added through Change Management, this field is blank.

Change Management Number

If this document was generated from a Change Management document, the number appears in this field.

Collected Into Change Number

If this document was collected into another document, the document number appears here.

Reason Code

Select the reason code associated with the collected document.

Initiator Log Number

When a BC3 or BC4 document is sent to the Correspondence Sent Log Window, Contract Management copies the value from the Reference Log Number field into this field. If this field already has a value in it, Contract Management copies the value into the Respondent Log Number field.

Respondent Log Number

If the Initiator Log Number field is filled in, Contract Management copies the value from the Correspondence Sent Reference Log Number field into this field. (The Initiator Log Number field gets the value the first time the document is sent.)

Schedule tab:

Update from Schedule

Click to refresh the dates of the P6 activity.

This action will update the dates and the Started and Finished checkboxes in Contract Management based on the current date information in P6.

Update from Schedule is only available if the project is linked to a P6 project.

Activity ID

If you are using the P6 EPPM you can use this field to reference and update the Start/Completion dates of the change with the schedule activity's early/actual start and finish dates. Link Contract Management to a P6 EPPM project from the Schedule tab of the Project Settings Dialog Box.

To record scheduling information, click Select to open the Select Activity Dialog Box to choose the P6 EPPM activity.


Enter the actual start and completion dates for work related to this change. Click the calendar to select a date from the pop-up calendar, or use the schedule activity early/actual dates from the activity entered in the Activity ID field. If the option next to each field is selected, the date is an actual start or finish date.

Time Change

Enter the number of days added or subtracted from the schedule because of the change document.

Custom Fields tab:

This tab only displays when one or more custom fields have been defined for the module. Each custom field assigned to this module is shown with applicable values. Custom fields enable you to define additional information about a project. Define the custom fields by right-clicking on the top-level folder (All Projects), and clicking Custom Fields. Custom fields cannot be defined when any users other than the Contract Management administrator are logged onto the system. For more information, see Custom Fields Overview and Add Custom Fields.

Issues tab:


Click this to open the Select Issue Dialog Box to link an issue to this item.

Issue Title and Name

The names and titles of issues linked to this item. Click to open the Issue Document Window.

Attachments tab:

Attach File

Click this to open the Attach File Dialog Box to add an attachment to this invoice.

Attach from Repository

Click to attach a document from the content repository. These documents are external to Contract Management, and are not part of the documents created in Contract Management. This link will not display unless the Contract Management administrator set the project content management properties to use the repository. See Configure the Content Management Version Document and Attachment Feature for more information.

Attach URL

Click this to attach a web address to the document. You can also launch an attached document or URL in its native application or delete an attachment.

Note: If you are using Firefox, and if the Attachment Storage Type for the project is set to File Server in the Contract Management Administration application, then you cannot attach files while the I am currently connected to the file server option in the User Settings dialog is selected. To open the User Settings dialog, navigate to the Control Center, right click All Projects, and then click User Settings.


The name of the attachment associated with this item. Click to open the attachment.


A brief description of the item.


The location to which the file is uploaded.

Note: If you get an error message indicating file not found, make sure the virtual directory specified in the Contract Management Administration Application is mapped correctly.


The full path to the file.

File Size

The size of the attached file.

Date Attached

The date the file or link was attached.

Attached By

The user who attached the file or link.

Versions tab:

Use the Versions tab to maintain a history of your document changes. This tab only displays when you open the document in View mode, not in Edit mode (open the document by clicking the document name, not the Edit icon beside the document name). On the Versions tab, you can view and access previous versions of the selected document and identify who created the versions and when the versions were created. You can create and preserve a new version of the document at any stage during a project. To create a new version of the current document, choose Version Document from the Select an action drop-down list. You can use the Contract Management Administration Application to configure the Version Document feature to automatically create a new version of your document each time you save the document (see Configure the Content Management Version Document and Attachment Feature for more information).


Lists different versions of the current document in reverse chronological order.

Click view to open each version. Each version shows the information available in the document when the version was created.

User Account

Shows the name of the user who created the corresponding version.


The date on which the item was created or issued.

How to access this document window:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder in the Project View and click Change Orders.
  2. From the Change Orders Log Window, either choose a Change Order from the list to display or click Add Document to add a new change order.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015