Project Settings Dialog Box

This dialog box has options you can use to define general project information for the current project. Use this dialog box to review and edit general project settings, such as the project name and title, names of key participants, job and project numbers, default owners, schedule, cost options and project currency format. Additional project settings options are available for you to specify communication preferences, mark up categories and link attachments and issues to the current project.


Click to spell check the information.

If a mistake is found, the Spelling dialog box opens.

Advanced Print

Click to open the Requisition Document Window to choose whether to print a project overview form or report.


Click to print the default project overview form.

General tab:


Displays the project abbreviation.


Enter the project's title.

Report & Form Location

Displays the name of the location of reports and forms, which is set in the Server Configuration Window window in the Contract Management Administration Application.

Note: This location may change in the new user interface.

Attachment Name

Displays the name of the attachment locations, which is set in the Content Management Window in the Contract Management Administration Application.

Details tab:


Enter the name of the project owner.

Job Number

Enter a unique abbreviation to identify this job.

Project Number

Enter a unique number to identify this project.


Enter the address, or other indicator, of the site where participants will perform work on this project.


Enter the total amount of this project contract.


The item's status.


A brief description of the item or service.

Companies tab:

Group or Project Companies

Click Switch  to choose Group or Project to specify which company directory you want to use.

When you specify Group, Contract Management uses all companies from the database in this project. When you specify Project, you receive a list of only those vendors that will be working on the project.

Add Company To Group After Adding To Project

Select to have new companies automatically added to the group database when you add them to the project.

Update Group When Project Company Edited

Select to have companies automatically updated in the database when you update them in the project.

Key Parties tab:

Your Company

The key contact for the project or template. Contract Management automatically defaults to this company when creating documents. Click Select Your Company to open the Select Company dialog box to choose the key company. This field is required.

Company Role

Select the role of this company in carrying out the project.


Click Select Owner to open the Select Company dialog box to choose the owner of the property for this project.

General Contractor

The general contractor for the project or template.

Engineer of Record

Click Select Engineer of Record to open the Select Company dialog box to choose the leading project architect or engineer. This is a required field.

Project Manager

Click Select Project Manager to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the contact and company managing this project.

Submittal Coordinator

Click Select Submittal Coordinator to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the contact and company that is to receive and review submittals for this project. This is a required field.


Click Select Estimator to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the project estimator.

Procurement Manager

Click Select Procurement Manager to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the contact who manages procurement for this project.

Default Owners tab:

Use this tab to choose the default owners for documents. All owners must be contacts who are already associated with a valid user account.

Use Approval Process

Select to use the Approval Process (available in Contract Management version 12.0 and later) for documents.

Contract Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the contract owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new contract document is created for the project.

Purchase Order Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the purchase owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new purchase order document is created for the project.

Requisition Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the payment requisition owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new payment requisition document is created for the project.

Request (RFI) Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the request for information owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new RFI document is created for the project.

Change Order Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the change order owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new change order document is created for the project.

Default Owners tab:

Use this tab to choose the default owners for documents. All owners must be contacts who are already associated with a valid user account.

Use Approval Process

Select to use the Approval Process (available in Contract Management version 12.0 and later) for documents.

Contract Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the contract owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new contract document is created for the project.

Purchase Order Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the purchase owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new purchase order document is created for the project.

Requisition Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the payment requisition owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new payment requisition document is created for the project.

Request (RFI) Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the request for information owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new RFI document is created for the project.

Change Order Owner

Click browse to open the Select Contact dialog box to specify the change order owner for the project.

This owner will be used to populate the Document Owner field any time a new change order document is created for the project.

Communication tab:

Communication preferences determine when Contract Management adds items to the Transmittal Queue Dialog Box, and whether Contract Management automatically adds dunning letters to the Correspondence Sent Log Window.

Create Transmittals from Submittal Revisions

Select to update the Transmittal Queue every time you update a submittal.

Combine Transmittals to Same Company

If more than one transmittal exists per contact, select to combine them.

Create Transmittals from Distribution List

Select to generate a transmittal for each contact on a submittal distribution list.

Print Transmittals During Create

Select to automatically print transmittals when you click Create from the Transmittal Queue.

Add Dunning Letters to Sent Log

Select to have Contract Management create documents in the Correspondence Sent Log Window for each dunning letter you print.

Enable CC: for Outgoing E-Mail

Select to enable a project manager to receive a copy of all correspondence sent through Contract Management for a project.

If you choose this option, you must also enter the email address in the CC: E-Mail Address field.

CC: E-Mail Address

Enter the email address of the project manager to whom a copy of all email should be sent.

Enter an email address in this field if you select the Enable CC: for Outgoing E-Mail option. The email address must be properly formatted.

Reply to: E-Mail Address

Enter the email address for a recipient who will also receive a reply email. This is not a required field.

This email address is validated. If the address is not valid or contains a special character, the email cannot be sent.

Enable Import of Correspondence Received

Select to enable a user to import email into the Correspondence Received Log on demand.

Import Attachments

Select to enable the import of attachments.

Automate Import

Use the arrows to set the time of day that Contract Management should automatically start the import of correspondence received.

Populate To Field

Select to send the correspondence received to a specific contact.

Click Select to Populate Field to select the contact to which the imported correspondence received should be sent. Only one contact can be selected.

Populate From Field

Select to have Contract Management automatically fill in the name of the contact sending the correspondence.

Server Name

This is the name of the server where the email that you want to import into the Correspondence Received Log is stored.

Port Number

This is the port number of the server where the email that you want to import into the Correspondence Received Log is stored.

The defaults that will automatically display for each type of Protocol are:

Protocol Selected

Default Port No.









User name

This is the user name used to log on to the server where the email that you want to import into the Correspondence Received Log is stored.

This is also the email address for this project. When users send emails from within this project, Contract Management attaches this project's email address to the outgoing mail in the Reply To field. If the email recipient sends a reply, one copy of the reply is sent to the original sender and one copy is sent to the project-level email address.


This is the password used to log on to the server where the email that you want to import into the Correspondence Received Log is stored.

Test Connection

After you enter all the information to enable import of email into the Correspondence Received Log, click Test Connection to test the configuration. This should log on to the email server where the email you want to import resides.

Currency tab:

Use this tab to configure the currency that is used in all currency fields throughout your project. For example, if you want to use the British pound as the currency, select British pound as the currency format for the project. The currency setting applies only to the current project.

Project Currency

The currency to use in the project or template.

When you select a project currency, the following are automatically selected: project currency code, reporting currency and code, calculation, and rate.

Note: Changing the project currency while a project is in process does not convert existing dollar values.


Contract Management displays the currency’s code in this field.

Reporting Currency

The currency used in the multi-project Cost Worksheet report.

For example, if you have different projects that use different currencies, this feature allows you to convert them all into one unified currency in the multi-project currency report.

Note: The reporting currency setting does not affect the currency settings in Contract Management documents. You can edit the reporting currency in the Reporting Currency Dialog Box.

When you select the currency, the currency’s reference code is automatically selected.


The reporting currency’s code reference.


The conversion rate.

Based on the value in the Rate field, you can choose whether to convert the project currency to the reporting currency, or vice-versa.


The exchange rate to use between the Project Currency and the Reporting Currency.

For example, suppose you are using the British Pound as the project currency, and the exchange rate between the British Pound and the dollar is 2. However, you may want to create reports in dollars. You would enter 2 in this field to have Contract Management convert the project currency (Pounds) into dollars when you create reports.

Display Worksheet in

Choose the units in which to display the values on the cost worksheet only. You can display in standard rate, or in thousands, millions, or billions.

Schedule tab:

Schedule preferences enable you to specify the P6 EPPM project you want to link to the project so you can access schedule data in most document windows. The module can extract early and actual start and finish dates from the P6 EPPM project and use them to update dates.

To view and use activity schedule dates from a P6 EPPM project, you must first specify the path and project name using this section. To see the dates that are updated in Contract Management and the corresponding P6 EPPM dates being used for the update, refer to the Contract Management documentation.

Note: The settings for connecting Contract Management to P6 EPPM are entered during the Contract Management installation process. If you need to connect to P6 EPPM after you have already installed Contract Management, use the admincm.cmd command to run the Admin Configuration utility to enter the URL. To run this command, go to the directory where Contract Management is installed, expand the utility directory, expand the CMAdminConfig directory, and then click admincm.cmd. For example, this might be found in: C:\Primavera\ContractManager\utility\CMAdminConfig\.admincm.cmd. For more information, see Connecting a Contract Management Project to a P6 EPPM Project.

Contract Date

The date on which the contract was signed or approved.

Proceed Date

The date on which the project work is to begin.

Completion Date

The date by which the project will be finished.


Select whether you are linking this project to a P6 EPPM schedule.

Note: To view and use schedule dates from a P6 EPPM project, you must first specify the database and project name using this tab. Refer to the Contract Management documentation for more information.

The following fields appear only if you selected P6 EPPM Schedule in the Schedule field.


Select the P6 EPPM database to connect to.

Sort By

Determines how the Project list is sorted. Select Name to sort the Project list by project name, or select ID to sort the Project list by project ID.


Select the P6 EPPM project to link to. The Sort By option determines whether this list is sorted by project name or ID.

Use Responsibility To Filter Activity Retrieval In Daily Reports

Mark to include P6 EPPM activities with early start and/or early finish dates that include the day of the Daily Report, and that are assigned the same Responsibility value as the Contractor field in the Daily Report Document Window.

Project Start

The project start date.

Data Date

The date on which the P6 EPPM project was scheduled.

Project Must Finish By

This is the finish no later than date for the project, if this constraint was imposed on the schedule in P6 EPPM.

Early Finish

This is the early finish date calculated when P6 EPPM last scheduled the project.

Contracts/POs tab:

Contract and purchase order options establish whether the module assigns unique contract and purchase order numbers to each contract in a project. For example, if unique numbers are used, every contract and purchase order defaults to a different number. This preference is only used to default the contract and purchase order number, and will not override any changes to the contract or purchase order number.

Create Unique Contract Numbers Per Project

Select to have Contract Management assign a unique number to each contract. Clear the option to have Contract Management use the To and From Companies to determine the next available number in the project.

Create Unique Purchase Order Numbers Per Project

Select to have Contract Management assign a unique number to each purchase order. Clear this option to have Contract Management use the To and From Companies to determine the next available number in the project.

Default Invoice Amount to Contract/PO Balance

Select to have Contract Management fill in the invoice Amount column with the total of that contract/purchase order when an invoice is added and it is the first invoice for the contract/purchase order.

If it is not the first invoice, Contract Management will fill in the Amount with the balance remaining on the contract/purchase order. If the contract/purchase order is distributed, Contract Management distributes the invoice using the same cost codes and percentages as the contract/purchase order.

Procurement tab:

Set Classification Goals for Project

Select to enable the DBE (Disadvantage Business Enterprise), MBE (Minority Business Enterprise), and WBE (Women's Business Enterprise) fields.

You must select this option to enable the fields below. You can then enter percentage values in each field, which will appear in the Select Goals section of the Procurement Statistics Dialog Box. Contract Management then calculates the actual percentage of awards for each category and compares them to the goals entered here.

Cost Options tab:

In this part of the Costs Options section, select the appropriate options to specify which of the following documents must be fully costed:

Select these options to force users to distribute costs for change orders, contracts, invoices, proposals, purchase orders, requisitions, and/or trends in their respective Line Items sections. Users must distribute the full amount to cost codes for the documents checked. There cannot be a Not Costed amount.

Show Funding Cost Worksheet Section

Select to make the Funding Cost Worksheet visible.

Note: If checked, you cannot clear the option if the project has any contracts, changes, or trends with a <custom> cost category.

Do Not Allow Invoices to Exceed Revised Contract/Purchase Order Value

Select to ensure that invoice cost values do not exceed the revised values of the contract or purchase order.

This setting will over rule the Allow the Value in Completed and Stored to Date (column G) To Exceed the Line Item's Budget in Scheduled Value (column C) setting if it was enabled on the Project Settings dialog box.

Require Contract/Purchase Order Approval Prior to Change Approval

This applies both to the approval structure available in Contract Management version 11.1 and prior, and to the approval process available in Contract Management version 12.0 and later.

Require Contract/Purchase Order Approval Prior to Requisition Certification

This applies both to the approval structure available in Contract Management version 11.1 and prior, and to the approval process available in Contract Management version 12.0 and later.

Requisitions tab:

The combination of entries in these fields determines schedule of value preferences and retainage calculations for all Requisition Document Windows. Requisition options are also available from the Contract Document Window or Purchase Order Document Window so you can modify this information to make it applicable to the individual contract/purchase order from which you are generating the requisition.

Setting requisition preferences in this dialog box affects only new contracts and purchase orders. To change requisition preferences on an existing contract or purchase order, edit the Requisition Document Window from the associated contract or purchase order document window. Allow the Value in Completed and Stored to Date (column G) To Exceed the Line Item’s Budget in Scheduled Value (column C)

Select to specify that values can exceed the budget (scheduled value).

Select this option if you want to collect delivery documents for the requisition schedule of values, since delivery values often cause the sum of the This Period column (column E) and the Previous Applications column (column D) to exceed the value in the Scheduled Value column (column C).

Leave Them in the Same Column in the New Application

Choose to have Contract Management retain costs for materials stored in the Materials Presently Stored column, not in D or E (column F), in the schedule of values when generating a new application.

Move Them to Previous Applications (Column D) in the New Application

Choose to move cost data for materials stored to Previous Applications (column D) in the schedule of values when generating a new application.

Start with this line item

The first line item number. Use leading zeros. For example, Start with this line item: 0000010.

Increment line items by

The increment number to use when the Schedule of Values is created.

Calculate the Retainage Using Summary Percentages

If you prefer to enter summary percentages for completed work and stored materials in the Summary section for the requisition, select the % of Completed Work Until Work is Complete and the % of Stored Materials options.

% of Completed Work Until Work Is ___ Complete

Select to enable a maximum contract percent complete value.

For example, to stop calculating retainage once the contract is 50 percent complete, enter 50 in the Complete field and select this option.

You cannot edit the Total Retainage field in the Requisition Summary section of the Requisition document window if you apply this “ceiling” calculation.

% of Stored Materials

Select if you prefer to enter a percentage for stored materials in the Summary section for the requisition. If you prefer to use retainage amounts or percentages for each line item in column I in the Schedule of Values section, choose the Enter Retainage on Line Items option and set the retainage rate.

Enter Retainage on Line Items

Select if you prefer to use retainage amounts or percentages for each line item in column I in the Schedule of Values tab.

To use the same percentage to calculate retainage for most line items, type the percentage in the On New Line Items, Set the Retainage Rate (Column I) to field. The module automatically enters this percentage in the Retain % column (column I) in the Schedule of Values section for the requisition.

For example, if you enter 10 percent, the module enters 10 percent in column I for every line item. You can then edit the items that use a different percentage.

On New Line Items, Set the Retainage Rate (Column I) to

If you want to use the same percentage to calculate retainage for most line items, enter the percentage in this field. Contract Management automatically enters this percentage in column I on the Schedule of Values section for the requisition. For example, if you enter 10 percent, Contract Management enters 10 percent in column I for every line item. You can then edit the few items that use a different percentage.

Enter Total Retainage in the Requisition Summary

Select to enter total retainage in the requisition summary.

Enter the Tax to Date Amount in the Requisition Summary

Select to manually enter the total tax dollar amount on the Requisition Summary tab.

Enter the Tax Rate on Line Items (column J) and Let Primavera Calculate the Tax to Date Amount

Select to manually enter the tax percentage in the Schedule of Values tab of the requisition for the module to calculate the total tax dollar amount based on the percentages you enter.

Change Management tab:

Change Management is a workflow process that automatically creates the documents necessary to complete a change, links those documents for reporting purposes, and updates the Cost Worksheet at each step in the workflow according to your specifications. The combination of entries in these fields specifies Change Management preferences for change documents generated through the Change Management process.

The combination of entries in these fields specifies Change Management preferences for change documents generated through the Change Management process. You can alter these settings anytime, but the changes will only affect subsequent documents in the change estimate process.

The Change Management tab enables you to define the relationship, if any, of committed values to revenue values, and to set up the Change Management process for your work process. You can select change order and proposal documents for the fields in the Budgeted and Committed sections. Use the options in the Committed section to set additional Change Management preferences.

Each Estimated, Quoted, Negotiated, and Final Budgeted value and each Estimated, Quoted, Negotiated, and Final Committed value creates a document that is posted to a user-defined column of the Cost Worksheet. Use this tab to choose the document type you want to create and the corresponding cost category column on the Cost Worksheet where you want to distribute change amounts.

Note: For the following phases, select Not Applicable if you do not want to create a document for that phase.

Budgeted Phase:

In this phase, Document Type can be:

In this phase, Cost Type can be:

Estimated Document

Select the type of document you want to create when you click Start Estimated Phase in the Change Management document window.

Estimated Cost Type

Select the portion of the Cost Worksheet to which you want to post an estimated value.

Quoted Document

Select the type of document you want to create when you click Start Quoted Phase in the Change Management document window.

Quoted Cost Type

Select the portion of the Cost Worksheet to which you want to post a quoted value.

Negotiated Document

Select the type of document you want to create when you click Start Negotiated Phase in the Change Management document window.

Negotiated Cost Type

Select the portion of the Cost Worksheet to which you want to post a negotiated value.

Final Document

Select the type of document you want to create when you click Start Final Phase in the Change Management document window.

Final Cost Type

Select the portion of the Cost Worksheet to which you want to post a final value.

Committed Phase: In this phase, Document types and Cost Types are the same as for the Budgeted Phase.

Estimated Document

Select the type of document you want to create when you click Start Estimated Phase in the Change Management document window.

Estimated Cost Type

Select the portion of the Cost Worksheet to which you want to post an estimated value.

Quoted Document

Select the type of document you want to create when you click Start Quoted Phase in the Change Management document window.

Quoted Cost Type

Select the portion of the Cost Worksheet to which you want to post a quoted value.

Negotiated Document

Select the type of document you want to create when you click Start Negotiated Phase in the Change Management document window.

Negotiated Cost Type

Select the portion of the Cost Worksheet to which you want to post a negotiated value.

Final Document

Select the type of document you want to create when you click Start Final Phase in the Change Management document window.

Final Cost Type

Select the portion of the Cost Worksheet to which you want to post a final value.

Create Transmittal from Estimates

Select this option to automatically add a transmittal queue entry for each row added for the estimated phase when you click Add in the Commitments section of the Change Management document window, and then choose Estimated from the Add Commitment Row pop-up menu.

Add Estimates to Sent Log

Select this option to automatically add a Correspondence Sent entry for each row added for the estimated phase when you click Add in the Commitments section of the Change Management document window, and then choose Estimated on the Add Commitment Row pop-up menu.

Copy Custom Fields from the Previous Phase When Starting a New Phase

Select this option to copy custom fields from the previous Change Management phase to the new phase.

Allow Editing of Previous Phases

Select this option to allow editing of previous Change Management phases.

Enable Document Creation Outside of Change Management

Select this option to allow change orders and proposal documents to be created directly in the Change Orders or Proposals modules, without having to go through the Change Management module.

Calculate Net Amount of Previous Changes By - Change Date

Click to calculate the net amount of changes based on the date of the change order. This will calculate the net amount of all previous changes for all change orders that predate the current change order and that are associated with the same contract or purchase order.

Calculate Net Amount of Previous Changes By - Change Number

Click to calculate the net amount of previous changes for all change orders that precede the current change order and that are associated with the same contract or purchase order.

For example, if you create a new change order that becomes the sixth one listed on the Change Orders Log Window, the Net Amount of Previous Changes amount in the sixth change order will be calculated for all the preceding change orders that are associated with the same contract or purchase order.

Markup tab:

Use this section to create markup categories, such as overhead and profit, to use as the defaults when adding additional values to contracts and purchase orders, change orders, and proposals.

When adding a new contract or purchase order, Contract Management allows you to pull the markup defaults set here and store them in the contract/purchase order. If you link change orders or proposals to the contract/purchase order, the values entered here will apply to them. Even if you set default values in this section, you can modify the markup values on a per contract/purchase order basis.

Markup enables you to:

No calculations are performed here. Using markup, you can create markup categories based on a lump sum value, then apply the markup values to cost codes.

Note: If you do not have permissions to view and apply markup (set in the User Project Access Dialog Box), the Markup for Changes option will not be available.

Add Markup

Click to open the Markup dialog box to create new markup categories.

Add Subtotal

Click to open the Markup dialog box to add a Subtotal row to the document. Contract Management subtotals the markup values and places them in this row.

Organize Rows

Click this to open the Organize Rows dialog box to set the order of the sorting rows.


A brief description of the item or service.

Markup %

The markup percentage applied to the document.

Note: You can use either Markup % or Markup Amount, not both.

Markup Amount

The fixed markup amount applied to the document.

Note: You can use either Markup % or Markup Amount, not both.

Target Cost Code

The cost code to which you want to apply the markup value.


Additional comments or instructions.

Source Cost Code

The cost code applied to this item.

This enables you to break costs into individual components. Instead of basing markup on one lump sum (such as overall cost), you can divide the cost into labor, materials, and bond, and you can apply markup categories to each of those. Contract Management calculates the amount of markup that is applied from of all cost distributions that match the specific cost code.

You can use wild cards in the Source Cost Code field. Use a question mark (?) to replace one letter, or an asterisk (*) to replace multiple letters. For example, if you have cost codes A1B and A2B, and you enter A?B, it will use both cost codes. Similarly, if you use A*, it will find all cost codes that begin with A.

Issues tab:


Click this to open the Select Issue Dialog Box to link an issue to this item.

Issue Title and Name

The names and titles of issues linked to this item. Click to open the Issue Document Window.

Attachments tab:

Attach File

Click this to open the Attach File Dialog Box to add an attachment to this invoice.

Attach from Repository

Click to attach a document from the content repository. These documents are external to Contract Management, and are not part of the documents created in Contract Management. This link will not display unless the Contract Management administrator set the project content management properties to use the repository. See Configure the Content Management Version Document and Attachment Feature for more information.

Attach URL

Click this to attach a web address to the document. You can also launch an attached document or URL in its native application or delete an attachment.

Note: If you are using Firefox, and if the Attachment Storage Type for the project is set to File Server in the Contract Management Administration application, then you cannot attach files while the I am currently connected to the file server option in the User Settings dialog is selected. To open the User Settings dialog, navigate to the Control Center, right click All Projects, and then click User Settings.


The name of the attachment associated with this item. Click to open the attachment.


A brief description of the item.


The location to which the file is uploaded.

Note: If you get an error message indicating file not found, make sure the virtual directory specified in the Contract Management Administration Application is mapped correctly.


The full path to the file.

File Size

The size of the attached file.

Date Attached

The date the file or link was attached.

Attached By

The user who attached the file or link.

How to access this dialog box:

Right-click on a project in the Project View and choose Project Settings.

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Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015