Use the Search feature to search for specific documents. Contract Management searches all modules for the text, and displays the list of all documents found. You can then quickly link one or more documents to an issue.
Note: The Search function does not support Microsoft Office 2007 attachments.
The Search link is accessible:
By clicking a project name on the Contract Management home page
By expanding a project and clicking a folder underneath a project name on the Contract Management home page
From any log or document window
Enter the search criteria in the Search field then click Search to search for an issue.
Include Attachments
Select to include attachments in the search.
This section lists the documents meeting the search's criteria.
Link Selected Results to an Issue
Use this to link the selected documents to an issue.
All document options under the Results heading are automatically marked to enable them to be linked to an issue. To prevent documents from being linked to an issue, clear the checkboxes for the documents that you do not want to link. For long lists, click Unselect all to clear all the checkboxes, and then mark the appropriate documents.
The document type.
The title of the document.
Click to open the document.
Search Rules:
Searches include all modules.
Words are strings separated by spaces:
xyzzy is a word, and so are 123 and #!@.
xyzzy xyzzy is two words, but xyzzy-xyzzy is one word.
Searches are not case sensitive. The word concrete also finds Concrete, CONCRETE, ConCrete, and so on.
The words and, or, and not are treated as normal text, not as logical operators.
Parentheses ( ) are treated as normal text, not as logical operators.
Documents must contain words that start with a plus sign (+). For example, +concrete finds all documents that contain the word concrete.
Documents must not contain words that start with a minus sign (-). For example, -concrete excludes all documents that contain the word concrete, even if they match the rest of the search criteria.
If a word starts with more than one operator (such as +-concrete), the first operator is used. The remaining ones are treated as part of the word. For example, +-concrete returns documents that contain -concrete.
Word stems include all instances. For example, fit also finds fitting, retrofit, retrofitting, and so on.
Text within double quotes is treated as a single phrase. For example, "cracked concrete" matches the exact phrase cracked concrete (including the single space between the words).
Unbalanced quotes are treated as regular text. For example, "wall returns documents that contain "wall.
Empty quotes are treated as regular text. For example, "" returns documents that contain "".
How to access this dialog box:
Click Search in the upper right corner of a Contract Management window.