Requisition Detail Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to enter detailed information on work and materials for which you want to get payment. The information entered here adds a row on the Schedule of Values tab of the Requisition Document Window. The letters for each field correspond to the columns in the Schedule of Values.


Click to spell check the information.

If a mistake is found, the Spelling dialog box opens.

Requisition Detail:


Item Number (A)

Identifies the line item position on the schedule of values. The first line item number and the increment number to use when you create the schedule of values is specified in the Start with this Line Item and the Increment Line Items By fields in the Requisition Options dialog box for the originating contract/purchase order, or in the Project Settings Dialog Box if you are creating the schedule of values for the requisition.

Description Of Work (B)

If you generated the requisition from a lump sum contract/purchase order, Contract Management uses cost codes for line item names from the contract/purchase order’s cost distribution in this column. If you generated a requisition from a unit item contract/purchase order, these line item names are used. If the contract/purchase order has both lump sum and unit price items, line item names for the unit price items and a separate line item for the lump sum (named Lump Sum) are used.

Scheduled Value (C)

The grand total for the scheduled value in this column should equal the Contract Sum to Date in the Requisition Summary section. Contract Management alerts you if these numbers do not match when you attempt to close the requisition, and displays the amount needed to balance the two numbers. Adjust the schedule of values for existing line items, or create new line items and schedule values to balance the totals.

Previous Applications (D)

The total sum of all previous requisitions to date for the contract/purchase order.

This Period (E)

To record progress, enter the value of completed work for the current period in this column. If you don’t know the actual amount, enter the total percentage of work completed in the % G/C column. The percentage represents work completed and stored materials for all periods to date, not just the current period.

If a delivery is linked to a lump sum item, Contract Management copies the total value of the delivery to column E. If the delivery is linked to a unit price item, Contract Management calculates the column E value by multiplying the quantity delivered by the unit price.

Materials Presently Stored, Not In D or E   (F)

The value of stored materials for the project. When you edit this value, Contract Management recalculates both the cost and percentage values in Column G.

Completed And Stored To Date D + E + F   (G)

The total of columns D, E, and F.

% Complete, G/C

This percentage represents work completed and stored materials for all periods to date, not just the current period. Enter a percentage here to record progress for work completed if you are unsure of the value (column E). If you associated P6 EPPM schedule activities with requisition line items or with the contract/PO from which you are copying data into an existing requisition, you have the option of updating the percentages in this column using the current schedule activities’ percent complete. In the Get Dialog Box select the Get Schedule Percent Complete option to retrieve all percent complete from P6 Professional.

Balance To Finish (H)

The difference between the values in column C (Scheduled Value) and column G (Total Completed and Stored To Date).

Retainage (I)

Use this column for contracts that allow variable retainage on a line-item basis; it need not be completed on projects where a constant retainage is withheld from the overall contract amount.

Retain %

Instead of entering the total retainage for stored materials and completed work, you can enter a percentage in this column. The two values in column I are linked. If you enter a currency value, Contract Management calculates the percentage. If you enter a percentage, Contract Management calculates the value by multiplying the percentage by the column G value (Total Completed Work and Stored Materials).

Contract Management adds the values in column I and displays the total in the Completed And Stored To Date field in the Summary tab. Contract Management does not calculate a separate retainage value for stored materials.

If the same percentage will be used to calculate retainage for most line items, enter the percentage in the Set New Line Item % To field in the Req Options tab of the originating contract/PO. Contract Management automatically enters this percentage in column I. For example, if you enter 10 percent, Contract Management enters 10 percent in column I for every line item. You can then edit the few items that use a different percentage. This only happens for line items added after the preference is set.

Tax Rate (J)

If you selected the Use Line Item % To Calculate Tax option in the Requisition Detail Dialog Box for the contract or purchase order, you can enter the tax percentage for each line item in this column. Contract Management calculates the tax amount by multiplying the percentage by the value in column G (Total Completed And Stored To Date).

Activity ID

The P6 EPPM activities you associated with the originating contract/PO appear in this column, and are linked to the line item(s) in which they appear.



Click to open the Select Cost Code Dialog Box to add a new cost code to distribute costs to.

Add Multiple Cost Codes

Click to open the Add Multiple Cost Codes Dialog Box to add multiple cost codes at once.

Remove Zero Values

Click to remove rows that have a distributed value of zero.

Cost Code

The cost code category.


The title of the cost code.


The amount distributed to the cost code.

Issues tab:


Click this to open the Select Issue Dialog Box to link an issue to this item.

Issue Title and Name

The names and titles of issues linked to this item. Click to open the Issue Document Window.

Attachments tab:

Attach File

Click this to open the Attach File Dialog Box to add an attachment to this invoice.

Attach from Repository

Click to attach a document from the content repository. These documents are external to Contract Management, and are not part of the documents created in Contract Management. This link will not display unless the Contract Management administrator set the project content management properties to use the repository. See Configure the Content Management Version Document and Attachment Feature for more information.

Attach URL

Click this to attach a web address to the document. You can also launch an attached document or URL in its native application or delete an attachment.

Note: If you are using Firefox, and if the Attachment Storage Type for the project is set to File Server in the Contract Management Administration application, then you cannot attach files while the I am currently connected to the file server option in the User Settings dialog is selected. To open the User Settings dialog, navigate to the Control Center, right click All Projects, and then click User Settings.


The name of the attachment associated with this item. Click to open the attachment.


A brief description of the item.


The location to which the file is uploaded.

Note: If you get an error message indicating file not found, make sure the virtual directory specified in the Contract Management Administration Application is mapped correctly.


The full path to the file.

File Size

The size of the attached file.

Date Attached

The date the file or link was attached.

Attached By

The user who attached the file or link.

How to access this dialog box:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder and click Payment Requisitions.
  2. From the Payment Requisitions Log Window, choose a payment requisition document.
  3. From the Requisition Document Window, click Add Lump Sum or the Add Unit Price on the Schedule of Values tab.

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Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015