Submittals Log Window

The Submittals log window lists all submittals, including those in packages. From this window, you can add a new submittal, review the details of a submittal, Generate a Submittal from an Existing Submittal, and print a report or a form. You can also view submittals in a Submittals Bar Chart Window by choosing Bar Chart from the Layout menu.

Buttons, Drop-Down Lists, Icons, and Links:

Add Document

Click to add a new document.

Print Report

Click to print the default report.

Print Preview

Click to display the page that will be printed.

Select an action

Click to display the list of actions you can perform on the current window.

Transmittals Queue

Click to display the items in the Transmittals Queue. From there you can select the create or remove functions that you want to perform on a transmittal.


Click to select a different layout for the log window.

Edit Document

Click to open the document in Edit mode.


Click to filter all items in the active table by a particular word or phrase.

Control Center

Click to return to the Workspace.



The name of the item.


The submittal package this submittal belongs to. Click to open the Submittal Package document window.

For submittal packages, this is a unique identification code for the package. You can identify the package using the standard Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) codes.

For example, reserve the first five characters in the Package field for the CSI division number, and use the remaining four characters to uniquely identify the package. For example, if the project contains three packages for mechanical work, identify them as 15000-001, 15000-002, and 15000-003.


A code that identifies the submittal. You can use any numbering or lettering scheme.


A unique number assigned to this item.

Contract Management automatically assigns a unique number to identify the item. You can change this number only when you create a new document.

Latest Review

The latest revision number for this submittal based on data from the Review Cycles section in the Submittal document window.


The item's status.

Ball in Court/BIC Contact

The company and contact currently responsible for this item.

Date Received

The latest received date, based on the latest submittal review cycle.

Date Sent

The latest date the submittal was sent, based on the latest submittal review cycle.

Date Returned

The latest date the submittal was returned to you, based on the latest submittal review cycle.

Date Forwarded

The latest date the submittal was forwarded, based on the latest submittal review cycle.

Received From/Received From Contact

The company and contact you received the submittal from.

Sent To/Sent To Contact

The company and contact you sent the submittal to.

Returned By/Returned By Contact

The company and contact who returned the submittal to you

Forwarded To/Forwarded To Contact

The company and contact to whom you forwarded the submittal.


This read-only field lists the number of days that the reviewer had the document before sending it to the next reviewer on the list.


The number of days the latest submittal review cycle has been open.


Contract Management calculates the number of days the submittal is past due by subtracting the Required Finish date from the current system date.

Required Start

The date the review or approval process must begin.

Required Finish

The date by which the review or approval process must end.


The contract number, if any, to which the item refers. Click to open the Contract Document Window.


The priority level for this item, which will appear in the BIC’s Action List.


The category the submittal belongs to.


The type of the submittal.

Custom Field columns

Each custom field assigned to the issues table is shown with applicable values. Custom fields enable you to define additional information about a project; define them outside the project by right-clicking on the top-level folder (All Projects) in the Project View and choosing Custom Fields.

Select an action

Click to display the list of actions you can perform on the current window.

How to access this log window:

Expand the Logs folder in the Project View and click Submittals.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015