The Submittals Bar Chart window on the Contract Management Workspace provides a graphical representation of the Submittals Log Window in a schedule format, similar to the Schedule Data Log Window. The bar chart shows submittals that have a Required Start date or at least one latest date (Received, Sent, Returned, or Forwarded). Submittals are sorted in ascending order by Start Date and submittal number.
Submittals are categorized as follows:
Approved (green bar): The latest revision's status type is Approved.
Underway (yellow bar): The latest revision's status type is anything but Approved, and the latest revision has a Received, Sent, Returned, or Forwarded date.
Unsubmitted (red bar): The submittal has no revisions, or the latest revision's status type is anything except Approved, or the latest revision has no dates.
Placing the cursor over a bar opens a tool tip with information about the submittal.
Click the bar to display the Submittals log window. Use this window to select the submittal to view or print.
How to access this window:
If the Submittals bar chart window is not displayed on the Workspace, click the Customize this page icon at the upper right side of the Workspace.
In the Available Items dialog box, choose Submittals, and then click Add.