Administrator IDs & Passwords Window

Administrators have full access rights to all administration functions. Use this dialog box to set up Contract Management administrators and to choose the language used by the administrator. Administrators can log into the Contract Management Administration Application to perform administration functions such as adding and removing Contract Management users, creating access templates, configuring the server, and configuring attachments. They cannot log into Contract Management.

Administrator ID

Type the name of the administrator.


Type the administrator’s password.


Select the language you want to use in Contract Management.

The language you select here affects the text in labels, buttons, drop-down lists, page/popup titles, and so forth. It does not affect data you enter in editable fields. Use the Control Panel's Regional Settings feature to set the language in editable text fields. The language you select does not apply to any other user. You must log out and back in for the changes to take effect.

How to access this window:

  1. In the Contract Management Administration Application, click Administrator IDs.
  2. In the Administrator IDs Window, click edit next to an administrator ID or click Add Administrator.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015