Copy Cost Codes Dialog Box

Some of the cost codes, if not all, may be the same from one project to the next. Copying cost codes between projects in the same database greatly reduces the data entry effort, enabling you to create the project quickly. If the module detects duplicate cost codes, you can overwrite the original cost code with the new one or cancel the copy process.

Note: You must have Add rights to the Cost Worksheet Log Window for the target project. Rights are set in the User Project Access Dialog Box.

Copy the Cost Codes:

Copy From

  1. Click Select From next to the Copy From field to open the Select Project Dialog Box, and choose the project from which to copy cost codes. The list shows all cost codes from the selected project.
  2. Choose the cost codes to copy, and click Add to move them to the Copy To list on the right. To copy all the codes, click Add All.

Copy To

This list shows the cost codes that are currently in the destination project, as well as cost codes that are being copied to the project.

  1. To remove a cost code from the Copy To pane and put it back in the Copy From pane, click the cost code, and then click Remove.
  2. To remove all cost codes and put them back in the Copy From pane, click Remove All.

Save the Cost Codes:

When you finish copying the cost codes that you want, click OK.

How to access this dialog box:

Right-click on a project name in the Project View and choose Copy Cost Codes.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015