Cost Worksheet Log Window

The Cost Worksheet log window provides a central location for analyzing budgeted, committed, and actual project costs. From this window, you can review cost items or add new cost codes. You must create cost codes before you can distribute costs to the Cost Worksheet.

Buttons, Drop-Down Lists, Icons, and Links:

Add Cost Code

Click to add a cost code to the Cost Worksheet.

Print Report

Click to print the default report.

Print Preview

Click to display the page that will be printed.

Select an action

Click to display the list of actions you can perform on the current window.


Transmittals Queue

Click to display the items in the Transmittals Queue. From there you can select the create or remove functions that you want to perform on a transmittal.


Click to select a different layout for the log window.

Edit Document

Click to open the document in Edit mode.


Click to filter all items in the active table by a particular word or phrase.

Control Center

Click to return to the Workspace.

User Productivity Kit

Click the User Productivity Kit link to launch the User Productivity Kit (sold separately), which you can use to view context-sensitive tutorials specific to the page you are viewing.

The Applicable Content checkbox will be marked. If specific tutorial content exists, select the appropriate link to display it. If specific tutorial content does not exist, clear the Applicable Content checkbox to choose from the list of available general tutorials.


Cost Code

The cost code name.

Cost codes categorize the different types of work associated with a project. Each cost code can contain up to 30 alphanumeric characters. Click to open the Cost Worksheet Document Window in View mode.

Note: If you have administrator rights, you can edit the cost codes.


The name of the item.

Original Budget

Costs that have been distributed from a contract, purchase order, or trend.

Approved Budget Revisions

Costs that have been distributed from an approved Change Order or trend.

Revised Budget

The sum of the Original Budget and the Approved Budget Revisions.

Pending Budget Revisions

Costs distributed from a proposal, a pending change order, or trend.

Estimated Budget Revisions

Cost estimates distributed from a trend.

Budget Adjustments

Costs distributed from a trend.

Projected Budget

The sum of the Original Budget, the Approved Budget Revisions, the Pending & Estimated Budget Revisions, and the Budget Adjustments.

Original Commitment

Costs distributed from a contract, purchase order, or trend.

Approved Commitment

Costs distributed from an approved change order or trend.

Revised Commitment

The sum of the Original Commitment and the Approved Commitment.

Pending Commitment

Costs distributed from a proposal, a pending change order, or trend.

Estimated Commitment Revisions

Cost estimates distributed from a trend.

Commitment Adjustments

Costs distributed from a trend.

Projected Commitment

The sum of the Original Commitment, the Approved Commitment, the Pending & Estimated Commitments, and the Commitment Adjustments.

Actuals Received

Costs distributed from a trend or invoice (if the contract/purchase order is distributed to Committed).

Actuals Issued

Costs distributed from a trend or invoice (if the contract/purchase order is distributed to Budgeted).

Original Variance

Original Budget minus Original Commitment

Approved Variance

Revised Budget minus Revised Commitment

Pending Variance

(Revised Budget plus Pending Budget Revisions) minus (Revised Commitment plus Pending Commitment)

Projected Variance

Projected Budget minus Projected Commitment

Actuals Pending

Total amount entered in an invoice or purchase request that has yet to be approved.

Actuals Approved

Total amount entered in an invoice or purchase request that has been approved.

Budget Percent

This amount represents the percentage of the total amount budgeted for the line item.

Commitment Percent

This amount represents the percentage of the total amount committed for the line item.

Procurement Estimate

The total of the Estimate column on the Bid Tabulation tab of the Procurement Item document window.

Original Estimate

The original estimate of the procurement item up for bid.

Estimate Accuracy

Original Estimate minus Procurement Estimate

Estimated Gross Profit

Original Budget minus Original Estimate

The value will be blank unless the item is awarded.


Original Estimate minus Original Commitment

The value will be blank unless the item is awarded.

Purchasing Buyout

Procurement Estimate - Original Commitment

The value will be 0 unless the item is awarded.

Planned to Commit

This is the total planned expenditure for each cost code.

Order Code

Use this field to vary the sort order of your worksheet from the cost code order.

Select an action

This drop-down list appears at the right of each document listed in the log. Click to open a list containing actions you can perform.

Create Versions of a Cost Worksheet log:

To create a new version of the Cost Worksheet log, choose Version Worksheet from the Select an action drop-down list. Click Yes when prompted to confirm to version the log.

View all versions of the Cost Worksheet log:

To view different versions of the Cost Worksheet log, choose View Worksheet Versions from the Select an action drop-down list. On the Cost Worksheet Versions dialog box, you can view and access previous versions of the selected Cost Worksheet, identify who created the versions and when the versions were created. You can create and preserve a new version of the Cost Worksheet log at any stage during a project. Use the Version option to maintain a history of your log changes.

How to access this log window:

Expand the Contract Information folder in the Project View and click Cost Worksheet.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015