Update This Period Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to update multiple line items in the Requisition Document Window Schedule of Values section at one time.

Item Number (A)

Identifies the line item position in the requisition's Schedule of Values section. The first line item number and the increment number to use when you create the schedule of values is specified in the Start with this Line Item and the Increment Line Items By fields in the Cost Options Dialog Box for the originating contract/PO, or in the Project Settings Dialog Box if you are creating the schedule of values for the requisition.

Description Of Work (B)

If you generated the requisition from a lump sum contract/PO, Contract Management uses cost codes for line item names from the contract/PO’s cost distribution in this column. If you generated a requisition from a unit item contract/PO, these line item names are used. If the contract/PO has both lump sum and unit price items, line item names for the unit price items and a separate line item for the lump sum (named Lump Sum) are used.

% Complete, G/C

This percentage represents work completed and stored materials for all periods to date, not just the current period. Enter a percentage here to record progress for work completed if you are unsure of the value (column E). If you associated a P6 EPPM schedule activity with requisition line items or with the contract/PO from which you are copying data into an existing requisition, you have the option of updating the percentages in this column using the current schedule activities’ percent complete.

This Period (E)

To record progress, enter the value of completed work for the current period in this column. If you don’t know the actual amount, enter the total percentage of work completed in the % G/C column. The percentage represents work completed and stored materials for all periods to date, not just the current period.

If a delivery is linked to a lump sum item, Contract Management copies the total value of the delivery to column E. If the delivery is linked to a unit price item, Contract Management calculates the column E value by multiplying the quantity delivered by the unit price.

How to access this dialog box:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder and click Payment Requisitions.
  2. From the Payment Requisitions Log Window, choose a payment requisition document.
  3. On the Schedule of Values tab of a Requisition Document Window, choose Update this Period from the More Commands drop-down list.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015