Customize RFI Turnaround Time Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to configure the way RFI information appears in the RFI Turnaround Time object in the Workspace.

Chart Type

Click to select the type of chart you want to use in the RFI Turnaround Time object.


Select to display the chart in 3D.

Horizontal Grid Lines

Select to add horizontal grid lines to the chart.

Vertical Grid Lines

Select to add vertical grid lines to the chart.

Group By

Select the field by which to group the RFI average turnaround time.


Depending on the option you choose to group by, this field allows you to select which items in that group to show.

Begin Date

Calculate the turnaround time for the RFI by selecting the field to use as the beginning date.

End Date

Calculate the turnaround time for the RFI by selecting the field to use as the ending date.

How to access this dialog box:

From the RFI Turnaround Time object in the Workspace, click Customize .

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015