Safety Violation/Injury or Illness Report Document Window

Use this document window to create a safety notice. Enter information about safety violations, injuries, illnesses, and to keep records for OSHA on the tabs available in the Safety Violation document window. See the Safety Overview for more information.

Note: This window will be titled Safety Violation or Injury or Illness Report depending on which option is selected in the Type field.

Buttons, Drop-Down Lists, Icons, and Links:

Edit Document

Click to edit the document.

If you clicked Edit Document , Edit Document - High Priority , or Edit Document - Low Priority , the document is already in edit mode, and the Edit Document button does not display.


Click to spell check the document.

This displays when you are in Edit mode.

Print Form

Click to print a form.

Print Preview

Click to display the page that will be printed.

Select an action

Click to display the list of actions you can perform on the current window.

Transmittals Queue

Click to display the items in the Transmittals Queue. From there you can select the create or remove functions that you want to perform on a transmittal.

User Productivity Kit

Click the User Productivity Kit link to launch the User Productivity Kit (sold separately), which you can use to view context-sensitive tutorials specific to the page you are viewing.

The Applicable Content checkbox will be marked. If specific tutorial content exists, select the appropriate link to display it. If specific tutorial content does not exist, clear the Applicable Content checkbox to choose from the list of available general tutorials.

Safety Log

Click to return to the log window.

Control Center

Click to return to the Workspace.

General tab:

Safety Violation is the default document that opens when you create a new document. Selecting Injury or Illness Report in the Type field changes this heading after you save the document.


The document type.

Click in the field and select the type of safety document from the drop-down list: Safety Violation or Injury or Illness Report. This field is editable only when adding a new document.


The recipient of this notice.


The contact creating this notice.


A unique number assigned to this item.

Contract Management automatically assigns a unique number to identify the item. You can change this number only when you create a new document.

Date Entered

Contract Management automatically supplies the current system date for new documents. By law, incidences and violations must be entered within six days of the event. This field is not editable.


The name of the item.

Status tab:

Ball in Court

The person responsible for this item.


The priority level for this item, which will appear in the BIC’s Action List.


The item's status.


Select the disposition of this safety document from the drop down list: Duplicate, Follow-up Needed, Resolved, or Unfounded. You can add choices to this list using the Dispositions Detail Dialog Box.

Closed Date

This field is filled in automatically with today's date when the status is set to closed after the document is saved.

Required By

Click Select Date to select the date by which the safety issue must be addressed. Contract Management sends alerts to the BIC and From contact.

Required Actions

Enter any actions that are required to resolve this issue or to keep progress moving forward.

Employee tab:

Use this tab to enter information about the employee.


The name of the company guilty of a violation, or in the case of an injury, the name of the company employing the injured party. Click Select to open the Select Contact Dialog Box to choose a contact (which inserts the company).


The full name of the injured employee. Click Select to open the Select Contact dialog box to choose a contact.


Select the employee's gender from the drop-down list (this field is filled in automatically in if the contact is already on record in the Company Directory).

Job Title

Enter the employee's job title. This field is filled in automatically in if the contact is already on record in the Company Directory.

Construction Trade

Enter the employee's trade.


Select the NAICS code from the drop-down list. You can add choices to this list in the using the NAICS Codes Detail Dialog Box. Contract Management automatically fills in this field if you selected an NAICS code for this company and contact in the Company Document Window. This field is filled in automatically in if the contact is already on record in the Company Directory.

Home Address

The employee's home address in the fields in this section.

Date of Hire

The date the employee was hired.

Date of Birth

The employee's date of birth.

Incident tab:

Use this tab to describe the incident that occurred.


Enter the location where the incident occurred.

Date of Event

The date the incident occurred.

Time Employee Began Work

Enter the time the employee began working.

Time of Event

Enter the time the incident occurred.

Employee's Actions Before the Incident

Enter any relevant information about the employee's actions, behavior, and so forth before the incident occurred.

Description of the Incident

Enter a complete description of the incident.


Select whether this is a new or recurring incident.

Additional Information

Enter any additional information about the incident that may be relevant.

Accident Source or Hazard

Select the cause of the accident from the drop-down list. You can add choices to this list using the Accident Sources Detail Dialog Box.

Safety Violations

Click Select Violation to open the Select Safety Violations Dialog Box to choose any safety violations that contributed to the incident. You can choose as many as needed. You can add choices to this list using the Safety Violations Detail Dialog Box.

Injury or Illness tab:

Use this section if an injury or illness has occurred.


A brief description of the item or service.

Privacy Concern

Select this option if there is a privacy concern involved with the incident. Selecting this prevents the employee's name from printing on the OSHA 300a report.

Case Number

Enter the case number of the injury. If left blank, the number automatically increments from 000001 for each new Injury/Illness Report created in the project. Contract Management automatically enters a case number for Injury or Illness reports.

Injury Type

Select the type of injury from the drop-down list.

Object or Substance That Directly Harmed Employee

Enter a description of the object or substance that harmed the employee.

Case Classification

Select the resulting action from the drop-down list.

Selecting Death enables the calendar icon next to the Date of Death field.

Days on Job Transfer or Restriction

Enter the number of days on transfer or restriction in this field.

Days Away from Work

Enter the number of days away from work in this field.

Date of Death

If the case classification is Death, click the calendar to select the date of death.

Physician's Name

Enter the name of the physician treating the employee.

Treatment Facility

If the employee went to a treatment facility due to the injury, enter the treatment facility's information in the fields provided.

Treated in Emergency Room

Select this option if the employee was treated in an emergency room.

Hospitalized Overnight

Select this option if the employee was admitted to a hospital overnight.

Details tab:

Project Manager

The project manager the safety violation pertains to. This field defaults to the project manager listed in the Project Settings Dialog Box.

Click Select Project Manager to open the Select Contact Dialog Box to choose the project manager.

Fine Amount

Enter the amount of the fine levied against the violating company.

Distribution List tab:

Use this tab to record the names of contacts who should receive a copy of the safety violation notice. Click Add to open the Distribution List Dialog Box to add contacts to the Distribution section.

Distributed To

The name of the company to whom you sent the safety violation notice.


The name of the contact to whom you sent the safety violation notice.


The date the notice was sent.


Additional comments or instructions.

Actions Taken tab:

This tab contains historical records of changes made to the safety notice. Any changes made to fields in this safety document that correspond to the columns on this tab (Date, Ball in Court, Contact, Status, Required Actions) will add a new row. This information on this tab is not editable. You can view the row by clicking View .

Issues tab:


Click this to open the Select Issue Dialog Box to link an issue to this item.

Issue Title and Name

The names and titles of issues linked to this item. Click to open the Issue Document Window.

Attachments tab:

Attach File

Click this to open the Attach File Dialog Box to add an attachment to this invoice.

Attach from Repository

Click to attach a document from the content repository. These documents are external to Contract Management, and are not part of the documents created in Contract Management. This link will not display unless the Contract Management administrator set the project content management properties to use the repository. See Configure the Content Management Version Document and Attachment Feature for more information.

Attach URL

Click this to attach a web address to the document. You can also launch an attached document or URL in its native application or delete an attachment.

Note: If you are using Firefox, and if the Attachment Storage Type for the project is set to File Server in the Contract Management Administration application, then you cannot attach files while the I am currently connected to the file server option in the User Settings dialog is selected. To open the User Settings dialog, navigate to the Control Center, right click All Projects, and then click User Settings.


The name of the attachment associated with this item. Click to open the attachment.


A brief description of the item.


The location to which the file is uploaded.

Note: If you get an error message indicating file not found, make sure the virtual directory specified in the Contract Management Administration Application is mapped correctly.


The full path to the file.

File Size

The size of the attached file.

Date Attached

The date the file or link was attached.

Attached By

The user who attached the file or link.

Custom Fields tab:

This tab only displays when one or more custom fields have been defined for the module. Each custom field assigned to this module is shown with applicable values. Custom fields enable you to define additional information about a project. Define the custom fields by right-clicking on the top-level folder (All Projects), and clicking Custom Fields. Custom fields cannot be defined when any users other than the Contract Management administrator are logged onto the system. For more information, see Custom Fields Overview and Add Custom Fields.

Versions tab:

Use the Versions tab to maintain a history of your document changes. This tab only displays when you open the document in View mode, not in Edit mode (open the document by clicking the document name, not the Edit icon beside the document name). On the Versions tab, you can view and access previous versions of the selected document and identify who created the versions and when the versions were created. You can create and preserve a new version of the document at any stage during a project. To create a new version of the current document, choose Version Document from the Select an action drop-down list. You can use the Contract Management Administration Application to configure the Version Document feature to automatically create a new version of your document each time you save the document (see Configure the Content Management Version Document and Attachment Feature for more information).


Lists different versions of the current document in reverse chronological order.

Click view to open each version. Each version shows the information available in the document when the version was created.

User Account

Shows the name of the user who created the corresponding version.


The date on which the item was created or issued.

How to access this document window:

  1. Expand the Communication folder in the Project View and click Safety.
  2. From the Safety Log Window, either click the appropriate document title or click Add Document to add a new document.

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Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015