Custom Fields Dialog Box

You can create and use custom fields to track certain information, perhaps at a client's request, that is not part of a standard Contract Management window. For example, you may be managing a project that consists of three phases. To print reports and sort information by phase, you can create a custom field called PHASE, add it to the Contract Management module where you need to track the phase, and then assign a value to the custom field that distinguishes each phase, such as First, Second, or Third.

This dialog box is categorized by module. Scroll down to the module for which you want to view or add custom fields and expand the section for the module.

Note: To create custom fields, you must be the only user logged into Contract Management. All other users must be logged out. See the Current Users in Contract Management Dialog Box.

Sort by Location

Click to sort the information by module.

Sort by Column Name

Click to sort the information by database column name.


Expand the module for which you want to create a custom field, and click Add to open the Custom Field dialog box to create a new custom field.

Organize Rows

Click this to open the Organize Rows Dialog Box to set the order of the sorting rows.

Column Name/Location

If you chose Sort by Location, custom fields are sorted by module.

If you chose Sort by Column Name, custom fields are sorted by the name of the database column.

Display As

The name of the custom field.


The custom field's type:


The number of characters that users can enter in the custom field.


For custom fields of types Quantity and Currency, the number of decimal places used. For example, for 2, two digits will be placed to the right of the decimal.


A check indicates dictionary definitions for this custom field.

The box in the left column will become a document icon, to indicate that there are dictionary definitions associated with this custom field.


A check indicates that the entry made in this field must be unique. It cannot be exactly the same as in another document for this module.


A check indicates a required field. The user is required to enter information in this field.


Click to delete the item.

How to access this dialog box:

Right-click on the top-level folder (All Projects) and choose Custom Fields.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015