Add Template Dialog Box – Key Parties Page

Use the Key Parties page to enter the key contacts for the template:

Your Company

The key contact for the project or template. Contract Management automatically defaults to this company when creating documents. Click Select Your Company to open the Select Company dialog box to choose the key company. This field is required.

Company Role

Select the role of your company in carrying out the projects based on this template.


Select the owner of the property for projects based on this template.

General Contractor

The general contractor for the project or template.

Engineer of Record

Select the leading architect or engineer. This field is required.

Project Manager

Select the contact responsible for overseeing the projects based on this template.

Submittal Coordinator

Select the contact who is to receive/review submittals for projects based on this template. This field is required.

How to access this dialog box:

  1. From the Project View, right-click on the Templates folder and select New Template.
  2. In the Add Template Dialog Box Project Page, click the Key Parties tab.

    Note: You will need to enter a project name and title before clicking this tab.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015