Procurement Item Document Window

Use the Procurement Item document window to enter and track information for Procurement items and the related scope items that make up the procurement item, and to award a procurement contract to a bidder.

Buttons, Drop-Down Lists, and Links:

Edit Document

Click to edit the document.

If you clicked Edit Document , Edit Document - High Priority , or Edit Document - Low Priority , the document is already in edit mode, and the Edit Document button does not display.


Click to spell check the document.

This displays when you are in Edit mode.

Print Form

Click to print a form.

Print Preview

Click to display the page that will be printed.

Record Bid

Click to display the Record Bid Dialog Box. Use this dialog box to add a bidder and record their bid, or to edit an existing bid.

Select an action

Click to display the list of actions you can perform on the current window.

Transmittals Queue

Click to display the items in the Transmittals Queue. From there you can select the create or remove functions that you want to perform on a transmittal.

User Productivity Kit

Click the User Productivity Kit link to launch the User Productivity Kit (sold separately), which you can use to view context-sensitive tutorials specific to the page you are viewing.

The Applicable Content checkbox will be marked. If specific tutorial content exists, select the appropriate link to display it. If specific tutorial content does not exist, clear the Applicable Content checkbox to choose from the list of available general tutorials.

Procurement Items Log

Click to return to the log window.

Control Center

Click to return to the Workspace.

General tab:

Spec Section

The specification item that best describes this item. Documents can be sorted or filtered by their respective specification numbers so you can easily locate and view documents of a particular spec type.

The specification section codes are part of the MasterFormat standard coding system, which was developed by the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and the Construction Specifications Canada (CSC).

You can add a new specification section to this list by right-clicking on the top-level folder and choosing Dictionaries, Specification Sections.


The name of the item.

Purchase Type

Select the purchase type from the drop-down list. You can create new purchase types using the Purchase Types Dialog Box.

CSI Division

Select the CSI division from the drop-down list. You can create new CSI divisions using the CSI Divisions Dialog Box.

Original Estimate

The original estimate of the procurement item up for bid.

Procurement Estimate

The total of the Estimate column on the Bid Tabulation tab of the Procurement Item document window.

Status tab:

This tab describes the status of the procurement item.


Yes indicates the item has been awarded.


For a procurement item to be complete, every scope and general item of the procurement item has to have complete bids from all bidders. If a bid is entered as a plug value, it does not count as complete.

Ball in Court

The person responsible for this item.


The priority level for this item, which will appear in the BIC’s Action List.


Select a valid status code for the document from the drop-down list. A status of closed has no effect on the Cost Worksheet Document Window.


Indicates whether the item has been approved.

No is the default. Yes appears when the item has been approved.

Approved By

Two contacts authorized to approve the contract or purchase order.

Enter their names and companies by clicking browse to open the Select Contact dialog box and typing the dates in the Date fields. Two contacts must sign off on the contract before you can click Approve and Save.

Bid Tabulation tab:

Add Bidder

Click to open the Add Bidder Dialog Box to add new bidder.

Organize Rows

Click to open the Organize Bidders Dialog Box to organize the bidder columns.

Show Details

Select this option to display all bid levels, including sub items and detail items. Clear this option to show only scope items (does not show sub items or detail items below each scope item).

Show Complete/Plug/Incomplete

Select this option to display all complete, plug, and incomplete columns, which are located next to each bidder column. Clear this option if you do not want to display the complete, plug, and incomplete columns.

Show Procurement Estimate

Select this option to display the Procurement Estimate column. Clear this option if you do not want to display the Procurement Estimate column.

Show Full Grid

If the Bid Tabulation tab has more rows than can fit on the screen, a scroll bar appears to scroll within the section. Select this option to expand the grid to its full height with no scroll bar. When cleared, the grid scrolls to fit the Bid Tabulation tab within the screen.

Procurement Estimate

This column contains the estimated values for each scope item, sub-item, general item, and alternate item. Click edit to open the Edit Estimate Worksheet Dialog Box to add and edit estimated values for the individual components of the procurement item.

Bidder Columns

The right columns contain the names of companies bidding on the procurement item.

Scope Items

Scope items are the individual components that make up the procurement item. You can subdivide procurement items into three levels of detail: Scope items are the first level; you can then create sub items for the scope items; finally, each sub item can have detail items, which are the third and most detailed level. Use this section to define the scope items that make up the whole procurement item.


Click to open the Add Scope Item Dialog Box to add scope items to the procurement item.

General Items


Click to open the Add General Item Dialog Box to add general items to the procurement item.

Click edit general item to open the Edit General Item Dialog Box to edit the details about the general item.



Click to open the Add Alternate Dialog Box to record alternate estimates and bids for the procurement item. The values of the alternates are not included in the estimate or bid totals.

Alternate items could be items that can take the place of scope items if they are not available. For example, if you want elm trees, but you know they probably won’t be available, you could enter maple trees as an alternate item for bid. You could also gather alternates bids from subcontractors so that they can try out bids with different materials. For example, if you think you can only afford linoleum flooring, you would enter linoleum in your scope of work. However, if you are able to get tile flooring for only slightly more than linoleum, you might collect bids for tile flooring as an alternate.

Click edit alternate item to open the Edit Alternate Dialog Box to edit the details about the alternate item.

Award This Item

Click to open the Award wizard to award the procurement item to a bidder.


Scope of Work tab:

Enter detailed information about the scope of work on this tab.

Award tab:

Award Value

The amount awarded. This value comes from the Award wizard. This is blank before the procurement item has been awarded.

Savings from Procurement Estimate

Calculation: Procurement Estimate - Award Value.

Awarded To

The contact the procurement item is awarded to. This value comes from the Award wizard. This is blank before the procurement item has been awarded.

Awardee Classifications

Displays whether the awarded company is a member of WBE, MBE, DBE, or any combination. This field is read-only.


The contract this procurement item is linked to.


After the contract is awarded, this field defaults to the project's procurement manager (from the Project Settings Dialog Box Key Parties tab). If no procurement manager was assigned, it defaults to the current user.

Date Awarded

The date the procurement contract was awarded. This value comes from the Award wizard. This is blank before the procurement item has been awarded.

Contract Approved

Yes indicates the contract is fully approved (the contract's Approved field is set to Yes).

Schedule tab:

Activity ID

If you are using the P6 EPPM you can use this field to reference and update the Start/Completion dates of the change with the schedule activity's early/actual start and finish dates. Link Contract Management to a P6 EPPM project from the Schedule tab of the Project Settings dialog box.

To record scheduling information, click Select to open the Select Activity dialog box to choose the P6 EPPM activity.

Update from Schedule

Click to refresh the dates of the P6 activity.

This action will update the dates and the Started and Finished checkboxes in Contract Management based on the current date information in P6.

Update from Schedule is only available if the project is linked to a P6 project.

Required Award Date

This is the early start date from the P6 EPPM schedule. Use Select Date to select the date. It can also be entered manually if the project is not linked to a schedule.

Anticipated Award Date

You can enter a date that might be different from the actual Required Award Date. Use Select Date to select the date. This is the date you expect to award by, but it's not an absolute deadline.

Date Awarded

The date the contract was awarded. This value comes from the Award wizard. This field is blank before the procurement item is awarded.

Details tab:

Bid Package

The bid package to which the procurement belongs. Select the bid package from the drop-down list. You can define bid packages using the Bid Packages Detail Dialog Box.


Enter detailed comments about the procurement item in this field.

Issues tab:


Click this to open the Select Issue Dialog Box to link an issue to this item.

Issue Title and Name

The names and titles of issues linked to this item. Click to open the Issue Document Window.

Attachments tab:

Attach File

Click this to open the Attach File Dialog Box to add an attachment to this invoice.

Attach from Repository

Click to attach a document from the content repository. These documents are external to Contract Management, and are not part of the documents created in Contract Management. This link will not display unless the Contract Management administrator set the project content management properties to use the repository. See Configure the Content Management Version Document and Attachment Feature for more information.

Attach URL

Click this to attach a web address to the document. You can also launch an attached document or URL in its native application or delete an attachment.

Note: If you are using Firefox, and if the Attachment Storage Type for the project is set to File Server in the Contract Management Administration application, then you cannot attach files while the I am currently connected to the file server option in the User Settings dialog is selected. To open the User Settings dialog, navigate to the Control Center, right click All Projects, and then click User Settings.


The name of the attachment associated with this item. Click to open the attachment.


A brief description of the item.


The location to which the file is uploaded.

Note: If you get an error message indicating file not found, make sure the virtual directory specified in the Contract Management Administration Application is mapped correctly.


The full path to the file.

File Size

The size of the attached file.

Date Attached

The date the file or link was attached.

Attached By

The user who attached the file or link.

Custom Fields tab:

This tab only displays when one or more custom fields have been defined for the module. Each custom field assigned to this module is shown with applicable values. Custom fields enable you to define additional information about a project. Define the custom fields by right-clicking on the top-level folder (All Projects), and clicking Custom Fields. Custom fields cannot be defined when any users other than the Contract Management administrator are logged onto the system. For more information, see Custom Fields Overview and Add Custom Fields.

Versions tab:

Use the Versions tab to maintain a history of your document changes. This tab only displays when you open the document in View mode, not in Edit mode (open the document by clicking the document name, not the Edit icon beside the document name). On the Versions tab, you can view and access previous versions of the selected document and identify who created the versions and when the versions were created. You can create and preserve a new version of the document at any stage during a project. To create a new version of the current document, choose Version Document from the Select an action drop-down list. You can use the Contract Management Administration Application to configure the Version Document feature to automatically create a new version of your document each time you save the document (see Configure the Content Management Version Document and Attachment Feature for more information).


Lists different versions of the current document in reverse chronological order.

Click view to open each version. Each version shows the information available in the document when the version was created.

User Account

Shows the name of the user who created the corresponding version.


The date on which the item was created or issued.

For more information about versions, see Version Document Overview.

How to access this document window:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder in the Project View and click Procurement.
  2. From the Procurement Items Log Window, either choose a procurement item document, or click Add Document .

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015