Edit Bid Worksheet Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to edit bidding information submitted by a bidder on a procurement item.


The name of the company making the bids.


Click to recalculate the values in the Total column, to make the values at the top level equal the values entered in the sub-levels.

Clicking Re-Sync "rolls up" the values from the sub-levels and recalculates the top level values. This is beneficial in instances where the top-level values were entered before the lower values, and may no longer match those values. See Procurement Overview for more information on top-down/bottom-up calculations and re-sync.

Scope Items/General Items/Alternates

The names of the scope items, sub-items, and detail items, as well as general items and alternate items.


The number of items required.

U of M

The unit of measurement, if applicable.

Unit Price

The price per unit for the item.


The total estimated cost of the item.


Select this option for each item for which bidding is complete.

Complete means that the value for the scope, sub, detail, or general item is the final bid value from the bidder. For a procurement item to be eligible for award, all scope and general items must be marked as complete for that bidder.


Select this option for each item for which you inserted a plug value.

A plug value is a value that you can enter temporarily for a bid until you get the final bid from the bidder.


Select this option for each item for which bidding is incomplete.

Incomplete means a final value is not available for the item. Incomplete is the default option.


Enter any comments about the company's bid on this item.


Enter any additional details about this company's overall bid.

Shortcut keys:

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in this dialog box:

Shortcut Key


Tab, Shift-Tab

Moves to the next/previous item in tab sequence.

Up/down arrows, Enter/Shift-Enter

Moves up/down in a column.

In a column of hyperlinks, up/down arrows will work to navigate. Enter activates the link.

To move up/down in a column of drop-downs, Enter/Shift-Enter will work to navigate to the next cell; the up/down arrows will scroll through the list of options.


Selects/clears an option.

How to access this dialog box:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder in the Project View and click Procurement.
  2. From the Procurement Items Log Window, choose a procurement item document.
  3. Click Edit bid (next to the bidding company's name) in the Bid Tabulation tab of the Procurement Item Document Window.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015