Use this dialog box to add a contact to a submittal review cycle.
Click to spell check the information.
If a mistake is found, the Spelling dialog box opens.
Click Select Reviewer to open the Select Contact dialog box to select a contact for this review cycle.
Date Sent
The date on which you sent the review cycle to this contact.
Date Returned
The date on which the contact returned the reviewed submittal.
The item's status.
A unique number assigned to this item.
Contract Management automatically assigns a unique number to identify the item. You can change this number only when you create a new document.
The difference between the current system date and the last status date for this review cycle.
It is zero if none of the dates have been entered or if the revision has been approved or the Forwarded Date is entered.
The number of days the submittal has been open for this review cycle.
Enter a description of the submittal to be reviewed.
Additional comments or instructions.
Drawing Date
The latest revised date for the drawing if the submittal is associated with a drawing.
Reviewer No.
The number this reviewer assigned to the submittal.
Reviewer Status
The actual name of the status that the reviewer gave to the submittal.
How to access this dialog box:
Note: This dialog box is only available when creating a new submittal.
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Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015