Add Notices

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Use Notices and Noncompliance Notices to inform project participants of the latest project developments or deviations from the contract assumptions.

Open the document window:

  1. Expand the Communication folder and click Notices to open the Notices Log Window.
  2. Click Add Document to open a blank Notice Document Window.

On the General tab:

  1. Choose a notice type from the Type drop-down list.
  2. Click Select To  next to the To field, and select the contact to receive the notice.
  3. Click Select From next to the From field, and select the contact who is sending the notice.
  4. In the Number field, enter a number for the notice.
  5. Click Select Date and enter a date for the notice.
  6. Enter a title for the notice.

On the Status tab:

  1. Click Select Ball in Court  next to the Ball in Court field and choose a Ball in Court for the notice.
  2. From the Priority drop-down list, choose a priority.
  3. From the Status field, choose a status.

On the Description tab:

  1. Enter a detailed description.
  2. Enter a name in the Signed By field.
  3. Choose the date.

On the Details tab:

  1. Choose a spec section from the Spec Section drop-down list.
  2. Click Select Contract next to Contract to open the Select Contract Dialog Box to link the notice to a contract. Click Clear to clear the field so that you can choose another contract.
  3. In the Cost field, enter the cost for implementation.
  4. Click Select Date next to the Required Date field and choose the deadline date for acting on the notice.
  5. Click Select Date next to the Acknowledged Date field and choose the date a response to the notice was received.
  6. Choose Select Reference  next to the Reference field to open the Select Document Dialog Box to choose a document to associate with the notice. Click Clear to clear the field so that you can choose another reference.
  7. From the Reason for Bulletin drop-down list select the reason for the notice.

On the Schedule tab:

To link the notice to a P6 EPPM schedule, do one of the following:

  1. If you are not connected to the P6 database, enter the Activity ID. Choose the Start and Finish dates. Enter the Time Change in days if the notice will alter the project schedule.
  2. If you are not connected to the P6 database, click Select next to the Activity ID field to open the Select Activity Dialog Box to link to an activity. The Start/Finish dates update automatically. Enter the Time Change in days if the notice will alter the project schedule.

On the Custom Fields tab:

If you want to define any additional information about a project, create custom fields by right-clicking on the top-level folder (All Projects), and choosing Custom Fields. The Custom Fields tab only displays when one or more custom fields have been defined for the module.

On the Issues tab:

To link any issues to the notice, do the following:

On the Attachments tab:

On the Versions tab:

You can maintain different versions of the notices document on the Versions tab. Once you save changes to your document, choose Select an action, Version Document to create a new version of the current document. For more information about versions, see Version Document Overview.

Save the notice:

When you finish adding all the information for the notice, click Save.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015