Adjust the Cost Worksheet Using Trends

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During a project, you may need to add or transfer money within the Cost Worksheet without modifying the original contract or purchase order or adding a change order. You can adjust the Cost Worksheet manually by adding a trends document, then distributing its cost to the Cost Worksheet.

To manually distribute costs to the Cost Worksheet:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder and click Trends.
  2. From the Trends Log Window, click Add Document to open the Trend Document Window.

General tab:

  1. Contract Management automatically inserts a number for the trend, you can edit this field.
  2. In the Title field, enter the title for the trend.
  3. Click Select Date to select the date on which the trend was created.
  4. Select a category from the Cost Category drop-down list.
  5. Select a type from the Cost Type drop-down list.

Status tab:

  1. Click Select next to the Ball in Court field to open the Select Contact Dialog Box and select the BIC.
  2. From the Priority drop-down list, select a priority for the trend.
  3. From the Status drop-down list, select a status for the trend.

Remarks tab:

Enter any remarks that are relevant to the trend.

Detail tab:

  1. Click Select next to the Initiated By field to open the Select Contact Dialog Box and select the initiator of the trend. Click Clear to clear the field so that you can select another contact.
  2. Click Select next to the Contract field to open the Select Contract Dialog Box and select the contract to which the Trend applies. Click Clear to clear the field so that you can select another contact.
  3. Select for the Activities ID field is only available if you are connected to a P6 EPPM project. You can use the Activity ID field to reference and update the Start/Finish dates of the Trend with the schedule activity's early/actual start and finish dates. To record scheduling information:
    1. Click Select to open the Select Activity Dialog Box.
    2. Select P6 EPPM activity from the list. The Start/Finish dates update automatically.
  4. Click Select Date to select the date by which a decision on the trend must be made.
  5. If this trend was generated by the Change Management process, the Change Management item number appears in the Change Management Number field.

Line items tab:

To add a lump sum line item:

  1. Click Add Lump Sum to open the Trend Item Dialog Box. The Type field defaults to Lump Sum.
  2. Contract Management automatically enters a number in the Line Item No. field. You can edit this number.
  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the lump sum line item.
  4. Insert the lump sum amount in the Line Item Total field.
  5. Click Select  to open the Select Activity Dialog Box to reference a scheduled activity from the linked P6 EPPM project with the line item. If you are not linked to a P6 EPPM project, this link will not display.
  6. In the Costing section, you can do the following:
  7. In the Distributed field, enter the amount to distribute to each cost code. Click Add balance to distribute the undistributed amount to that cost code. This link is not available if the amount distributed is the same as the lump sum.
  8. In the Issues section, click Link to link an issue with the lump sum line item.
  9. Use the fields in the Attachments section to attach documents or URLs to this item:
  10. Click Save and Close when done to distribute the costs to the Cost Worksheet.

To add a unit price line item:

  1. Click Add Unit Price to open the Trend Item Dialog Box. The Type field defaults to Unit Price.
  2. Contract Management automatically enters a number in the Line Item No. field. You can edit this number.
  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the unit price line item.
  4. In the Quantity field, enter a quantity for the unit price item.
  5. In the Unit of Measure field, enter a unit of measure (for example, hours, days, weeks, pounds, cubic yards, linear feet, and so forth).
  6. In the Unit Price field, enter the unit price. This automatically totals in the Line Item Total field.
  7. Click Select  to open the Select Activity Dialog Box to reference a scheduled activity from the linked P6 EPPM project with the line item. If you are not linked to a P6 EPPM project, this link will not display.
  8. In the Costing section, you can do the following:
  9. In the Distributed field, enter the amount to distribute to each cost code. Click Add balance to distribute the undistributed amount to that cost code. This link is not available if the amount distributed is the same as the lump sum.
  10. In the Issues section, click Link to link an issue with the lump sum line item.
  11. Click Select to open the Select Activity Dialog Box to reference a scheduled activity from the linked P6 EPPM project with the line item. If you are not linked to a P6 EPPM project, Select will not display.
  12. Scroll down to the Costing section and click Add to open the Select Cost Code Dialog Box to add a single cost code to distribute to. To add multiple cost codes, click Add Multiple Cost Codes. You can add as many cost codes as necessary.
  13. In the Distributed field, enter the amount to distribute to each cost code. Click Add balance to distribute the undistributed amount to that cost code. Add balance is not available if the amount distributed is the same as the lump sum.
  14. Click Save and Close to distribute the costs to the Cost Worksheet.

Issues tab:

Click Link to open the Select Issue Dialog Box and select an appropriate issue to link with the Trend. You can also click Link, and then click Add Issue to add a new issue.

Attachments tab:

Versions tab:

You can maintain different versions of the trend document on the Versions tab. Once you save changes to your document, choose Select an action, Version Document to create a new version of the current document. For more information about versions, see Version Document Overview.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015