Add Companies and Contacts

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The Company Directory keeps track of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the people affiliated with companies in Contract Management. Companies and contacts added to the Company Directory are stored in the Contract Management database.

Add a new company:

  1. Expand the Project Information folder and click Companies. The Company Log Window will open.
  2. Click Add Document .
  3. Use the information below to edit the company.

On the General tab:

  1. Enter an abbreviation up to 8 characters long.
  2. Enter the full company name.
  3. Contract Management fills in the Key Contact field when the first contact is entered on the Contacts tab. You can change the key contact in the Contact Dialog Box.
  4. From the Spec Section drop-down list, select an appropriate classification for this company.
  5. From the Role drop-down list, select the suitable role or function of this company.

On the Status tab:

  1. Click Select Ball in Court to assign the person in this company who is responsible for Action List Log Window items.

    Note: Use this feature only if contacts in this company do not log into your system. This is an advanced feature intended to prevent Action List items from being misplaced. In effect, it is similar to forwarding a phone call. It forwards documents addressed to this company to the person listed as the BIC. Leave this field blank if you are not sure who is the BIC for this company.

  2. Mark the Inactive checkbox to inactivate this company without deleting it.

On the Contacts tab:

Use the Contacts tab to view and edit contact information or to Add Contacts.

On the Remarks, Details, and Issues tabs:

  1. On the Remarks tab, enter any additional information about this company or its contacts.
  2. On the Details tab:
    1. Enter a tax ID and location for the company.
    2. Select a code from the NAICS Code drop-down list.
    3. Click Select Contract to associate a contract with this company.
    4. Select the appropriate DBE, MBE, or WBE options, if applicable.
  3. On the Issues tab, click Link to open the Select Issue Dialog Box to link any issues to the company as necessary.
  4. On the Attachments tab, click Attach File Dialog Box, Attach Document Dialog Box, or Attach URL Dialog Box to add attachments to the company as necessary.
  5. Click Save.

Related Topics

Setting Up The Company Directory

Add Contacts

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015