Add a Submittal

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Use the Submittals Log Window to add new submittals and view all of your current submittals whether they are in a package or not.

To add a submittal:

  1. In the Project View, expand the project you are working in.
  2. Expand the Logs folder and click Submittals.
  3. Click Add Document .
  4. Use the information below to edit the submittal.

On the General tab:

  1. To add the submittal to a submittal package, click browse next to the Package field and select a submittal package from the resulting dialog box.
  2. Enter a unique code in the Submittal field to identify the submittal. The code can be up to 15 characters long.
  3. Enter a title.
  4. Edit the Number field if desired. Contract Management automatically enters a number.
  5. Use the drop-down lists to select a category and type for the submittal.
  6. Click Select Date next to the Required Start and Required Finish fields and select the appropriate dates.

On the Status tab:

  1. The Ball in Court field contains the name of the contact currently responsible for the submittal. Contract Management automatically fills in this field based on the review cycle. You cannot edit this field.
  2. Select a priority level.
  3. Contract Management automatically fills in the Status field, based on the review cycle. You cannot edit this field.

On the Workflow tab:

  1. Click browse next to the Received from field to select the contact from whom you will receive the submittal.
  2. Click browse next to the Submittal Coordinator field to open the Select Coordinator dialog box, where you can select the contact who is responsible for receiving and reviewing submittals for the project. On the Submittal Coordinator dialog box, you can only select a coordinator from the company that is listed as the project's Submittal Coordinator company. For information on editing this and other project settings, refer to Project Settings Dialog Box.
  3. Click browse next to the Sent to field and select the contact you to whom will send the submittal.
  4. Click browse next to the Returned by field and select the contact who will return the submittal to you.
  5. Click browse next to the Forwarded to field and select the contact to whom you will forward the submittal.
  6. If you are going to use multiple reviewers during the review cycle, select the Multiple Reviewers option. A Multiple Reviewers subordinate tab will be added to the Review Cycles tab.

On the Review Cycles tab:

On the General subordinate tab:

  1. Edit the Review Cycle field if desired. Contract Management automatically numbers each review cycle sequentially.
  2. Enter a description for the review cycle.
  3. Click Select Date next to the Received on field and select the date on which you received the submittal. Contract Management fills in the other information for this field based on your selections on the Workflow tab.
  4. Click Select Date next to the Sent on field and select the date on which you sent the submittal for review. Contract Management fills in the other information for this field based on your selections on the Workflow tab.
  5. Click Select Date next to the Returned on field and select the date on which the submittals was returned to you by the reviewer. Contract Management fills in the other information for this field based on your selections on the Workflow tab.
  6. Use the Status drop-down list to choose the status of the submittal review.
  7. Click Select Date next to the Forwarded on field and select the date on which you forwarded the submittal back to the contact from whom you received it. Contract Management fills in the other information for this field based on your selections on the Workflow tab.

On the Multiple Reviewers subordinate tab:

Note: If you selected the Multiple Reviewers option on the Workflow tab when creating this new submittal, you can use this tab to enter the appropriate information. Otherwise, this tab does not display.

  1. Click Add to add reviewers to this review cycle.
  2. Click Select Reviewer next to the Reviewer field to select the reviewer.
  3. Click Select Date next to the Date Sent field and select the date the submittal was sent for review.
  4. Click Select Date next to the Date Returned field and select the date the reviewer returned the submittal to you.
  5. Use the Status drop-down list to choose the current status of the submittal.
  6. Edit the Number field if desired. Contract Management automatically enters a number.
  7. Enter a description for the submittal you are sending for review.
  8. Enter any additional information that pertains to the submittal in the Remarks field.
  9. Click Select Date next to the Drawing Date field and select the latest revised date for the drawing if the submittal is associated with a drawing.
  10. Click Save and Add Another to add the next reviewer. Repeat steps 1 through 8 for each new reviewer. When finished adding reviewers, click Save and Close.

On the Details subordinate tab:

  1. Enter the number of reproducible sepia copies sent.
  2. Enter the number of prints sent.
  3. Click Select Date next to the Drawing Date field and select the latest revised date of the drawing.

On the Distributions subordinate tab:

Contract Management automatically enters the selected review cycle number. You can change this number on the General subordinate tab of the Review Cycles tab.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Enter the number of copies of the submittal you are sending to the contacts.
  3. Enter any additional information about the review cycle in the Remarks field.
  4. Click Select and, in the Select Contacts Dialog Box, add the contacts to whom you want distribute the submittal. Click Save to return to the Distribute Submittal dialog box. The selected contacts appear in the Distributed To column.
  5. Mark the Transmit checkbox next to the contacts for whom you want to create a transmittal entry in the transmittal log.
  6. Click Save when finished in the Distribute Submittal dialog box.

On the Issues subordinate tab:

Click Link to link an issue to this submittal review cycle.

On the Attachments subordinate tab:

On the Schedule tab:

Details (if Update from Schedule is used)

Click Schedule to view early/actual start and finish dates, original and remaining durations, percent complete, and total float for a document linked to a P6 EPPM activity.

Start and Finish dates:

  1. Click to select a date from the pop-up calendar, or have Contract Management automatically calculate the required start and required finish based on the Submittal Preparation Start date and the Approval Period Finish date respectively. To do this, you must pick a successor activity, specify the lead times for the two activities, and click Update from Lead Time.
  2. If the project is connected to a P6 EPPM module schedule, choose activities by clicking Select to enter the start and finish dates. Click Update from Schedule to update the Required Start and Required Finish dates based on these activities.
  3. Enter information as desired on the Details tab.
  4. Link any issues and add any attachments to this submittal as necessary.
  5. Click Save when finished.

On the Issues tab:

Click Link to open the Select Issue Dialog Box and link an issue to the submittal. You can link more than one issue.

On the Attachments tab:

Save the submittal:

When you are finished editing the submittal, click Save.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015