Note: Before you can record a bid, you must Add a Bidder.
To record a bid:
- Open the Edit Bid Worksheet Dialog Box.
- In the Quantity column, enter the number of items required.
- In the U of M column, enter the unit of measurement, if applicable.
- In the Unit Price column, enter the price per unit.
- In the Total column, enter the total estimated cost of the item.
- In the Complete, Plug, Incomplete column:
- Click Complete for each item for which bidding is complete (this means that all scope and general items are marked as complete for that bidder).
- Click Plug for each item for which you inserted a plug value (this is a temporary value until the final bid is received from the bidder).
- Click Incomplete for each item for which bidding is not completed.
- Use the Comments column to enter any comments regarding the bidder.
- Use the Comments box to enter any additional details about the company's overall bid.
- Click Save and Close when finished.