You can create and add multiple submittals to a package.
In the submittal package that you are working in, click the Submittals tab and click Add Multiple Submittals. The Add Multiple Submittals dialog box will open.
In the How many new Submittals do you want to add to this package? field, enter the number of new submittals that you want to create.
In the What is the starting Submittal Number? field, enter the number for the first new submittal.
Select Yes or No for the Link the new Submittal to the same Issues as the original? question.
Click Next.
Enter a title and select a category and type for each new submittal that you created.
Click Finish. The dialog box will close.
To further edit new submittal documents, click the name of the new submittals document and then click Edit Submittal . See Adding a Submittal for information. When you are finished editing the new submittals, click Save and then navigate back to the submittal package you were working in.