Sometimes you will want more than one person to review a submittal. When two or more participants review a submittal at the same time, Contract Management treats their review information as a set. When calculating status percentages, Contract Management treats a set of reviewers as one review cycle. You can only add multiple reviewers while a submittal has no review cycles.
In an All Must Approve review, the reviewer who is currently the BIC must approve the review before it is sent to the next reviewer. When a reviewer approves the submittal and enters a returned date, the BIC moves to the next highest reviewer number until everyone has approved the submittal. Once all of the reviewers approve the submittal and enter a returned date, the submittal coordinator becomes the BIC and will see an approved status for the submittal. If any reviewer rejects the submittal, the BIC moves to the submittal coordinator for attention and does not move to the next reviewer.
The reviewer with the highest value in their Number field acts as the BIC first. Unless reviewer numbers are manually adjusted, the last reviewer to be added will have the highest number.
To have multiple people review a submittal:
Note: On the General tab, the Sent To and Returned By fields indicate that multiple reviewers are involved.
For any revision that consists of multiple reviews, the module determines the most critical record in the set and displays those dates on the Review Cycles tab. The most critical record is the one with the fewest dates entered, indicating that responses for this revision have not been received, sent, returned, or forwarded by the appropriate Ball in Court (BIC) on time, causing a significant delay in the submittal process. If the number of dates for more than one reviewer is the same, the row with the earliest date farthest to the right is used.
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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015