Actions Overview

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Use the Actions object to see documents, sorted by priority level, that have you listed as the Ball in Court (BIC). When documents are created or edited, they are assigned a Ball in Court (BIC) and a priority level. These assignments determine in whose action list this document will appear and the document's priority level. Click the priority level to view all the documents in your court for that level. You can then click the document title to open that document.

The interface tracks all action items the BIC addresses. When an item in the action list is completed, the BIC changes to another user, and the action item is displayed with a strikethrough.

For example, suppose Steve Johnson has a Request for Information (RFI) in his action list. He opens the RFI from his action list, changes the BIC to someone else, and returns to his action list. The document in the action list will have a strikethrough. The interface removes all documents with a strikethrough from the action list at the next log in.


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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015