Add a New Project to be Finished by an Administrator

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To add a new project that will be finished by an administrator:

  1. Start Contract Management, and log in by entering your user name and password.
  2. Right-click on the All Projects top-level folder in the Project View and choose Publish Project to display the Publish Project Dialog Box.
  3. Enter a project name, title, and administrator for the project.
  4. Click OK. Contract Management will send email to the project administrator with the following information:

    You need to set up the project before using it. To set up the project, click the following link or open the project from within Contract Management.

    The project administrator can open the project by clicking on the project in the Project View.

    The administrator then needs to run the Add Project Dialog Box.

    Note: Contract Management does not notify the user when email notification is sent to the project administrator.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015