Create Company Roles

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To create company roles:

  1. Right-click on the top-level (All Projects) folder and choose Dictionaries, Company Roles to open the Company Roles Dialog Box.
  2. Click Add to open the Company Roles Detail Dialog Box.
  3. In the Acronym field, enter the abbreviation for the new company role. You can enter up to four characters.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for this role. This description should be easily distinguishable from the other items to avoid confusion.
  5. From the Type Name drop-down list, select the role type.
  6. From the Move Below drop-down list, select the location below which you want to insert the definition.
  7. Click Save and Close to save the new company role. The new company role is now available for use in your documents.


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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015