View the Contract Management Cost Worksheet in P6

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You can link the Cost Worksheet portlet in P6 EPPM to view cost data for projects in a single Contract Management module database. Before you can link the portlet to Contract Management, you must first enter a Contract Management URL in the application and link a project to the Contract Management application. See Connecting a Contract Management Project to a P6 EPPM Project.

To link the portlet to Contract Management:

  1. In P6, click Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select a dashboard tab.
  3. On the dashboard tab, click Customize.
  4. On the Customize page, click the Content tab and expand the Contract Management section.
  5. In the Contract Management section:
    1. Select Cost Worksheet and click to expand the additional options.
    2. To enter a value in the Database Group Filter field, click Select Database Group and select a group from the dialog box.
  6. On the Content tab, click Save and Close.
  7. On the dashboard tab, click Filter by.
  8. In the Filter by dialog box, select a known project, portfolio, or group of projects by code that includes one or more known projects linked to at least one Contract Management project. Click OK.
  9. On the dashboard tab, expand the Cost Worksheet portlet and log in to Contract Management if prompted.


In order to access this portlet, you must have a valid Contract Management user name and password. If you have a Contract Management user name and password that is the same as the user name and password with which you are currently logged in to P6, you are not prompted to log in to Contract Management when you expand the Cost Worksheet portlet.

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Connecting a Contract Management Project to a P6 EPPM Project

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015