Add an Issue

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To add an issue:

  1. In the Project View, expand the project you are working in.
  2. Expand the Project Information folder and click Issues.
  3. Click Add Document .
  4. Use the information below to edit the issue.

On the General tab:

  1. Enter a title.
  2. Enter an issue code.
  3. Edit the Number field if desired. Contract Management automatically enters a number.
  4. Click Select Date next to the Opened and Closed fields and select the appropriate dates. Contract Management automatically enters the current date in the Opened field.
  5. Click Select Contract next to the Contract field to choose a contract to which the issue applies.

On the Status tab:

  1. Click Select Ball in Court next to the Ball in Court field to choose a contact for the issue.
  2. Select a priority and a status from the drop-down lists.

On the Linked Documents tab:

This tab lists information about the documents linked to the issue. For new issues, the fields will be blank.

On the Attachments tab:

Save the issue:

When you are finished editing the issue, click Save.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015