Generate a New Drawing from an Existing One

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Drawing revisions often contain similar information. To reduce data entry time, use the Generate Wizard to create a copy of a drawing document, and then edit the copy to reflect any differences. The new drawings contain most of the data from the original and are numbered sequentially.

To generate a new drawing from an existing one:

  1. Expand the Logs folder and click Drawings to open the Drawings Log Window.
  2. Open the drawing from which you want to generate a new drawing.
  3. Choose Generate Document from the Select an action drop-down list to open the Generate Drawing Wizard.
  4. Enter the number of drawings you want to generate.
  5. Enter the starting number for the new documents. Contract Management defaults to the number format of the selected document using the next available number.
  6. If you want to link the new drawings to the same issues and attachments as the original drawing, choose Yes for each.
  7. Click Finish. Contract Management generates the specified number of documents and populates the new documents with the appropriate drawing numbers. All other information on the generated drawings is the same as that on the selected drawing.
  8. Edit the generated Drawing document windows as necessary.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015