Add a Drawing

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Use the Drawings log to maintain and identify drawings, specifications, and other supporting documentation so you can meet contractual requirements and ensure completion of your work. Tracking drawings through the Drawings log enables you to maintain a history of drawing revisions along with each revision’s received and sent dates.

To add a drawing:

  1. Expand the Logs folder and click Drawings to open the Drawings Log Window.
  2. Click Add Document to open the Drawing Document Window.

On the General tab:

  1. Enter a drawing number and title for the drawing.
  2. Click Select Designer to choose the designer from the Select Contact Dialog Box.
  3. Click Select Date next to the Issued Date field to select the date on which the drawing was issued.
  4. Use the Spec Section drop-down list to choose the spec section to which the drawing applies.
  5. Use the Latest Bid Package drop-down list to choose the bid package if one exists for the drawing.

    Note: The Latest Revision Number and Latest Revision Date fields are read-only. Contract Management populates these as you create revisions for the drawing.

On the Status tab:

  1. Click Select Ball in Court to open the Select Contact Dialog Box. Choose the Ball in Court contact for the drawing.
  2. Use the Priority drop-down list to choose the priority for the drawing.
  3. Use the Phase drop-down list to choose the phase that applies to the drawing.
  4. In the Progress field, you can enter the percentage that reflects how far along the drawing is in the review process.
  5. If required, enter a Bid Package, Area, File Number, and Spec Section for the drawing.

On the Revisions tab:

The Revisions tab shows the latest revision information for the drawing. Use this section to create revisions and distribution lists for the drawing.

To add a new revision to the drawing click Add. Each revision gets its own distribution list, issues, and attachments. To delete a revision, click Delete next to the revision number on the Details subordinate tab.

The Revisions tab has the following subordinate tabs:

On the Details tab:

  1. Enter a Revision Number and a Title for the drawing.
  2. Click Select Date next to the Revision Date field, and choose the date for the drawing revision.
  3. Click Select Date next to the Received Date field, and choose the date on which you received the drawing.

On the Revisions Distributed to tab:

To create a new distribution list:

  1. Click Add to open the Add Distribution Dialog Box to create a distribution list.
  2. Click Select Date next to the Sent Date field to change the date if necessary.
  3. Click Select to open the Select Contacts Dialog Box and select the contacts to receive the drawing. Click Save when finished.
  4. Click Save when finished.

To create a distribution list from another revision:

  1. Click Copy from Previous Revision to open the Copy From Previous Revision Dialog Box.
  2. Click Select to open the Select Contacts Dialog Box, and select the contacts to receive the drawing. Click Save when finished.

On the Issues tab:

Click Link to open the Select Issue Dialog Box to link an issue to the drawing revision.

On the Attachments tab:

On the Sets Containing This Drawing tab:

The Sets Containing This Drawing tab contains a list of all the sets to which the drawing belongs. Click Select to open the Select Drawing Set Dialog Box and choose the drawings sets to which to add this drawing.

On the Details tab:

  1. From the Discipline drop-down list, you can select the discipline to which the drawing belongs.
  2. From the Area drop-down list, you can select the area to which the drawing belongs.
  3. From the File Number drop-down list, you can select the file number that applies to the drawing if a file number has been defined.

    Note: These numbers are defined by right-clicking on the top-level (All Projects) folder, selecting Dictionaries, Drawings, and then File Numbers.

  4. From the Contract drop-down list, you can select the contract to which the drawing belongs.

On the Issues tab:

To link an issue to the drawing, click Link to open the Select Issue Dialog Box, and select the issue.

On the Attachments tab:

Save the Drawing document:

Click Save when finished.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015