To combine all transmittals that are going to the same contact, mark the Combine Transmittals to same contact checkbox. All of the items for that contact will be held in one transmittal.
To print the transmittals as they are being added to the Transmittals Log Window, mark the Print Transmittals during create checkbox.
Note: To remove items from the queue, delete them individually by selecting the item and then clicking Remove, or delete all the items by clicking Remove All. Once removed, the items will not be added to the transmittals log.
Select the appropriate action:
To create a single transmittal, select the entry for which you want to create a transmittal and click Create.
To create transmittals from all of the items in the queue, click Create All.
Contract Management adds the new transmittals to the Transmittals log.
Note: For every issue attachment associated with the original submittal, Contract Management creates an attachment for the associated transmittal.