Award Multiple Procurement Items to a Bidder

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To award multiple procurement items to a bidder:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder for a project in the Project View and click Procurement.
  2. From the Procurement Items Log Window, click Award Items to open the Award Contract/PO Dialog Box.
  3. In the Award Type field, select whether you are awarding a contract or a purchase order.
  4. For the Award To field, click Select Bidder to open the Select Bidder Dialog Box to choose the bidder that won the award.
  5. For the From field, click Select Contact to change the contact awarding the bid.
  6. In the Contract/PO Document For field, enter why the contract or purchase order is being awarded.
  7. For the Create Line Items For option, choose whether to create one line item in the contract or purchase order for the entire procurement item, or to create line items for each scope and general item.
  8. For the Create/Select Material Records Per Line Item option, choose Yes to create or link a materials delivery document for each line item. Click Next.

    Note: If you chose to create line items for each scope and general item, the scope and general items appear as line items in an upcoming screen.

  9. Select the options for the procurement items you want to award to this bidder. Click Next.
  10. If you have any scope or general items that are not costed, the Cost Scope and General Items screen will appear in which you must choose a cost code for each item. Click Select to open the Select Cost Code dialog box to choose a cost code. Click Next.

    Note: This screen only displays if the contracts or purchase orders options are selected as must be fully costed in the Cost Options tab of the Project Settings Dialog Box. If the options are cleared, this screen will not appear.

  11. If you chose to create line items for each scope and general item, and to create a materials delivery document for each line item (in the first screen), the scope and general items appear as line items in the next screen, titled Create or Select Materials for Each Contract/PO Line Item. Use this screen to create or select materials for each contract or purchase order line item.
  12. Select the specification section for each item from the drop-down lists (if you chose to create line items for each scope and general item).
  13. Click browse to open the Select Material Dialog Box to choose the material to which to apply to each line item.
  14. Click Next to finish the contract or purchase order award.
  15. Enter a contract or purchase order number and date. Enter any additional comments. Choose whether to link the new contract or purchase order to the same issues and attachments as the procurement item.
  16. Click Finish. The new Contract Document Window or Purchase Order Document Window opens, and is added to the respective log window.
  17. Line items for each scope and general item appear on the Line Items tab, or one line item for each entire procurement item, depending on which option you chose in the first award screen.
  18. The cost of the contract or purchase order is assigned to the Original Commitment or Original Budget column in the Cost Worksheet, depending on which option you chose in the first award screen. (Purchase orders are applied to the Original Commitment column.)

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Award a Procurement Item to a Bidder

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015