Set default markup values for overhead, profit, and other markup categories that you create. The default values are used in all markup calculations. Typically you will collect all Proposals from committed parties, roll the costs and codes of each document to create a change document to the customer or owner of a project. You can add overhead and profit (markup) prior to submitting that change document.
Set separate markup values for different contracts and purchase orders. When applying overhead, you may need to change the percentage. You can apply markup to your budgeted costs and committed direct costs.
Have different markup values based on total labor, material, and equipment costs.
Set default values for overhead and profit, but you can also add additional markup values for each document.
Assign markup categories using a percentage rate or a flat amount with both types.
Set markup values at the contract or purchase order level, similar to requisitions.
Specify the target cost code to which you want to apply the markup amount.
Set the order in which markup categories are applied.
Specify a source cost code, which enables you to break down costs into individual components.