Contract Management Module Documentation

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For the most up-to-date versions of all manuals and technical documents related to installing, administering, and using Contract Management, go to:

Contract Management Installation and Configuration Guide for Oracle

This document explains how to install the module for Oracle, and how to convert data from previous versions. The network or database administrator responsible for the initial installation of the module, ongoing maintenance of the system and database, and general troubleshooting should read this manual.

Contract Management Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft SQL Server

This document explains how to install the module for Microsoft SQL, and how to convert data from previous versions. The network or database administrator responsible for the initial installation of the module, ongoing maintenance of the system and database, and general troubleshooting should read this manual.

Contract Management User’s Guide

This document explains how to manage and monitor documents from initial contracts through the last change order. All individuals who use the module should read this guide, even if they are already familiar with previous versions of the software.

Contract Management Help

This is an integrated comprehensive help system that supplements the printed documentation. Help is available while you are working in the module for quick access to information about dialog boxes and fields. Help also includes step-by-step procedures for performing the module functions and answers to common questions. The Table of Contents provides a starting point for many major topics. You can also use Help’s Search and Index features to find topics related to any text you enter. Click How To for a list of all procedures contained in Help.

See the online help for the latest Contract Management information. Use it as your primary source of information.

Contract Management Web Services Administrator’s Guide

This document provides information on the services and operations supported by Contract Management Web Services.

Contract Management Web Services Programmer’s Guide

This document provides information on how to use Contract Management Web Services.

Other Documentation

The Contract Management physical media or download location contains additional information in the folder, \documentation.

Tested Configurations
Lists the configurations that have been tested and verified to work with Primavera Contract Management 14.1, Business Intelligence Publisher Edition. The network administrator/database administrator and Contract Management administrator should read this document.

Note: Several areas of Contract Management are customizable, such as the Project View, document names, log column headings, and document field labels. The examples throughout this manual and in the online help use the default settings shipped with the software.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015