Subscribe to an Action List Email Digest

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To view a list of the action items in your court without logging into Contract Management, you can subscribe to a daily email digest of your action items.

The digest email is delivered to your registered email address every morning at 1 a.m. User email IDs are set on the User Account - Edit Window in the Contract Management Administration Application.

Note: If you need to change your email address, contact your administrator.

From the email digest you can open the document related to an action item. In the email, click the action item to launch Contract Management. After you login, the related document displays so you can take the appropriate action. Once you are logged into Contract Management, you can click any of the action items in the email and they will open in Contract Management.

You or your administrator can subscribe you to receive a daily digest of your action list.

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Subscribe Users to an Action List Email Digest

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015