Prepare a Daily Report

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Daily reports provide a history of project events, including a description of physical conditions, a summary of the work accomplished at the job site, lists of materials used and delivered, a log of visitors to the site, and a report of any problems encountered that day.

You can also include activities from a linked P6 EPPM project when you create a daily report. The report shows all activities that should be underway based on their early dates. You can also limit the activities included by using the contact/responsibility activity code from the P6 EPPM Activity Codes Dictionary.

Use the Daily Reports document window to enter information about important daily events during your project. This kind of detailed information can become important when you need to explain delays or justify costs.

Multiple users from the same company can add daily reports on the same day. Each daily report document contains information for one contact. If you have multiple contacts, each contact should prepare a separate report each day.

To prepare a daily report:

  1. Expand the Logs folder and click Daily Reports to open the Daily Reports Log Window.
  2. Click Add Document .
  3. Use the information below to edit the daily report.

On the General tab:

  1. Click Select Contractor to choose the contractor associated with the report.
  2. Edit the Date and Day fields if necessary. Contract Management supplies the system date and day.
  3. Enter a report number and period.
  4. To associate a contract with the daily report, click Select Contract  and choose a contract.

On the Status tab:

Select the priority and Ball in Court for the report.

To approve the daily report, do the following:

  1. Click Select Contact and select the contact approving the report. The contact's company will appear in the Company field.
  2. Click Select Date to choose the date the report was approved.
  3. Click Approve and Save. You must fill in the Approved by information before you can approve a report.

On the Work Activity and Additional Comments tabs:

Use these tabs to record descriptions of progress, delays, new conditions, problems, and anything else that may affect the project schedule or cost.

On the Equipment tab:

Use the Equipment tab to view, edit, or Add Equipment Records information.

On the Field Force tab:

Use the Field Force tab to view, edit, or Add a Field Force Record information.

On the Visitors tab:

Use the Visitors tab to view, edit, and Record Visitors information for visitors who visit a work site.

On the Materials tab:

Click Add to open the Delivery Ticket Dialog Box to enter information about an item delivered to the site that day.

Materials added here link to the Materials Delivery Document Window to keep track of what has been delivered and what has not for any particular contract. Materials are linked to a contract, so selecting a material in the Delivery Ticket dialog box also selects the contract to which the material is linked.

Click Record Delivery Ticket to open the Record Delivery Ticket Dialog Box to create a delivery ticket and record multiple materials to it.

On the Schedule tab:

If you have Contract Management connected to the P6 EPPM database, you can use the fields on this tab to schedule activities.

Click Add to open the Daily Schedule Record Dialog Box and select an underway schedule activity from the linked P6 EPPM project.

Click Get Activities to get schedule activities from P6 EPPM.

On the Weather tab:

Enter information about the weather for the day. This tab has the following subordinate tabs:

Details tab: Use the Length of Suitable Conditions drop-down list to select the amount of time that weather conditions were acceptable.

Period 1, Period 2, and Period 3 tabs: Use these tabs to divide the day into three periods. For each period, enter the weather conditions and their impact.

On the Issues tab:

Click Link open the Select Issue Dialog Box to link an issue to the daily report. You can link more than one issue.

On the Attachments tab:

Save the daily report:

When you are finished editing the daily report, click Save.

Related Topics

Using Daily Reports

Add Equipment Records

Add a Field Force Record

Generate a Daily Report Based on an Existing Report

Record Visitors

Record Material Deliveries

Record Resource Usage

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015