Record Progress for Requisitions

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Follow these general steps to generate monthly requests for payment:

  1. Expand the Contract Information folder and click Payment Requisitions to open the Payment Requisitions Log Window.
  2. Follow the steps in Generate a Payment Requisition from an Existing Requisition to generate the requisition.
  3. Record progress.

Throughout the project, only one requisition for payment should be active (uncertified) for each contract. If you try to add a new requisition before certifying the previous application, Contract Management reminds you about the previous uncertified requisition, but will accept a new one.

To record progress:

In the Requisition Detail Dialog Box (which is used to fill in the requisition's Schedule of Values section), enter the value of completed work for the current period in This Period (column E). If you don’t know the actual amount, enter the total percentage of work completed in % Complete (column G). The percentage represents work completed and stored materials for all periods to date, not just the current period. If you have associated P6 EPPM schedule activities with requisition line items, you have the option (during the "get") of updating the total percentage of work completed for all periods to date using the current schedule activity's percent complete.

If you enter a value in This Period (column E), Contract Management calculates the progress percentage by dividing Completed and Stored to Date, D+E+F (column G) by the Scheduled Value (column C).

If you enter a percentage in Completed and Stored to Date, D+E+F (column G), Contract Management calculates the value in This Period (column E) by multiplying the percentage by the Scheduled Value (column C), then subtracting from this value the sum of all Previous Applications (column D):

Column E = (Column G% x Column C) - Column D

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015