Generate a New Meeting from the Last Meeting Minutes

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During a project, meetings are often held at regular intervals; the same people attend, and the agenda consists of the open items from the previous meeting. In Contract Management, you can create a new meeting from an old one using the Generate command. When you generate a new meeting from an existing one, Contract Management copies attendees and any business items that were not closed from the original meeting to the new one.

To copy meeting minutes information:

  1. Expand the Communication folder and click Meeting Minutes to open the Meeting Minutes log window.
  2. Open the meeting minutes document that you want to copy. The Meeting Minutes document window will open.
  3. From the Select an action drop-down list, choose Generate Document.
  4. Enter the Subject, Number, Date, Time, and Location for the new meeting. Contract Management copies the subject, time, and location from the meeting minutes document you are copying. Contract Management enters the next available number in the Number field and the current date in the Date field.
  5. Select the Yes options if you want to link the new meeting to the same issues and attachments as the old meeting.
  6. Click Finish.

    Note: Only business items with the following status types are copied forward: New Item, Old Business, or Open types. All other items are left in their prior meeting unchanged. Items copied forward get a status of Old Business.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015