Send a Document to a Correspondence Log

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The Contract Management Correspondence Sent log window and Correspondence Received log window logs enable you to track all items you send and receive during the life of your project. Use the Correspondence Received log to record incoming documents, especially those that require follow-up. Use the Correspondence Sent log to record outgoing documents and to help you prepare form letters.

You can use Contract Management's Send to Corr Sent/Send to Corr Rcvd commands to record the currently open document in a Correspondence log, or by manually entering the information directly in the Correspondence log. Contract Management following steps apply to both the Correspondence Sent and Received modules.

The module numbers the item sequentially and enters the name of the person currently logged into Contract Management. Click the Status and Log Information tabs to view the ball-in-court, priority, status, and who entered the document in the Correspondence log. The Manually Entered field on the Log Information tab indicates whether this item was entered manually or sent from a document.

Any dunning letters you print are automatically recorded in the Correspondence Sent log. A separate record, or row in the log, is created for each contact included on the letter. If you do not want to automatically record dunning letters, turn off this default preference by clearing the Add Dunning Letters to Sent Log option available on the Communication tab of the Project Settings dialog box.

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Last Published Wednesday, June 17, 2015